These 1 bowl Thai rice paper rolls are the perfect dish for a healthy and fresh lunch. They are super easy to prepare, all you need is to mix everything in a bowl, and come with a delicious creamy peanut dipping sauce. A one way ticket to Thailand! And if you’re still afraid by the rolling process, all the steps are detailed in the post!

The easiest rice paper rolls to prepare
With the arrival of sun, we all see pictures of beautiful spring rolls flourishing on the social media. You know what I’m speaking about : these perfect spring rolls, cut in half, to reveal flawless layers of different vibrant colors. Although I’m very admirative, let’s be honest : who need perfect layers when you’re just super hungry and need to prepare a quick lunch?
These 1 bowl Thai rice paper rolls are THE solution to get the amazing flavors and textures of a spring roll, in a couple of minutes! All you need is to prepare every element separately and mix them together in a large bowl, and voilà, your filling is ready to be rolled! They are definitely the most useful for many reasons.
First, mixing all the ingredients in a single bowl not only allows to save a lot of time during the assembly, but also makes the tasting completely different. To my mind, one of the most important thing in a dish is the textures. I love to have both firmness, softness and crunchiness. By mixing the ingredients, you’re mixing the flavors and the texture. The softness of the rice noodles is perfectly balanced by the fresh crisp carrot. The peanuts and toasted coconut add a perfect touch of crunchiness and fantastic flavors.
While in most of the spring rolls recipes the ingredients are put into the rolls without flavorings, this one already includes a light dressing. That way, the rolls are already flavored and can be enjoyed as it, without additional sauce. This is very handy if you want to pack them to eat on the go or to bring them to a garden party.

Why to press your tofu
Have you ever noticed how different the tofu appears depending on the brands and countries? Indeed, the process and composition can strongly impact the aspect, leading to a more or less dry and firm tofu. When we want to cook and marinade tofu, the better is to have a tofu as dry as possible. That way, you avoid moisture release during cooking and help the tofu to absorb the flavors of the marinade.
The solution to make the tofu perfectly dry and ready to be used is to press it. Don’t be afraid, even if this sounds a little “too much”, this step is very easy and I promise you won’t regret it! To press the tofu, you can either use a tofu press, which is a handy and best solution if you consume tofu regularly. OR, you can make it using a simple homemade system, I call a towel. To press the tofu, follow the steps :
- Wrap the whole bloc of tofu around a clean and absorbent towel. Or if you don’t have, simply use several layers of paper towel.
- Then, transfer on a flat surface, like a plate or a cutting board, and place a heavy object on top. You can use an iron cast or a baking tray with additional heavy objects (books, cans …)
- Allow all the liquid to release. This can take around 2 or 3 hours. You can also let it overnight in fridge for even better result.
- Finally, unwrap the tofu and it’s ready to be used in any recipe.

How to prepare and roll your rolls
Preparing and rolling spring rolls is way easier than it looks. If your very first one might be a little strenuous, the more you practice the better you will be. To make it even easier, here are a couple steps to follow :
- The first step is to soften the rice papers in warm water. For that, prepare a large shallow dish of warm water. Make sure the water is warm but not too hot. You should be able to plunge your fingers in the water without burning (better).
- The dish should be large enough to fit the size of the rice papers.
- Make sure you’re not soaking them for too long or they can become very fragile and break. 30 seconds to 1 minute should be enough. If necessary, reheat the water during the process.
- Once soften, immediately transfer the rice paper on a clean and flat surface that has been priory dampened with water. This will prevent the rice paper to stick to the surface. A large dish or a cutting board make perfect surfaces to roll.
- Add a reasonable quantity of filling. There is no perfect quantity as it depends on the size of your rice paper and your rolling technic. Make a first test and adapt the quantity for the following.
- Take your time to roll and be gentle, the rice papers are fragile. All along the process, press gently to well pack the filling and get a firm compact roll.

How to make a creamy peanut sauce
What would be rice paper rolls without a dipping sauce? This go-to 6-ingredients peanut sauce is my favorite! So easy to prepare and packed with delicious flavors. Perfect to dip spring rolls, but also to upgrade your salads, Pad Thai, woks, grilled veggies, curries and much more.
For a perfect peanut sauce, I recommend to use quality peanut butter. The simpler composition the better. The best peanut butter is the one made with only peanuts, optionally a little salt, and THAT’S ALL. Forgot the industrial peanut butters with additives and oil. You can also make your own peanut butter by simply mixing dry roasted peanuts in a good processor until creamy. You’ll need a powerful food processor as this process requires power and time, but it’s super simple and delicious.
For more flavors and freshness, I’ve added orange juice in this recipe. Make sure you’re using fresh juice, not bottled one. If you don’t have, just skip it and replace by half lemon juice and half water.
When preparing the peanut sauce, add the water at the very end. Pour gradually, stirring every time, until you get the right consistency. The sauce should be thick and creamy, pourable but not to liquid.

More healthy lunch recipes
- Tofu Bali Buddha Bowl
- Butternut Quinoa Salad with Tahini Dressing
- Wild Garlic Pesto Pastas
- Green Hummus with maple roasted carrots and granola

1 bowl tofu Thai rice paper rolls
- Prep Time: 20
- Cook Time: 10
- Total Time: 30
- Yield: 8 rolls 1x
These Thai rice paper rolls come with a creamy peanut dipping sauce. They are super easy to prepare: all you need is to mix everything in one bowl. Perfect for a healthy and fresh lunch.
- 6 tbsp rice vinegar
- 3 tbsp soy sauce
- 3 tbsp lime juice
- 1 tbsp agave
Rice Paper Rolls
- 1/2 block of firm tofu
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp oil for cooking
- 50g raw rice noodles
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 2 medium carrots
- A little sprig of fresh coriander
- 1/4 cup crushed toasted peanuts
- 2 tbsp sesame seeds
- 8–10 whole rice papers
Peanut dipping sauce
- 3 tbsp natural peanut butter
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp orange juice
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1 tsp agave
- 2 tbsp of water
- a small piece of fresh ginger
- Prepare the dressing by simply mixing all the ingredients in a bowl. Set aside.
- Press the whole tofu using a tofu press or wrap in a clean absorbent towel and place something heavy on top to remove all the excess moisture (see notes for more details). Then cut the tofu into small cubes. Place in a shallow dish and add the soy sauce. Toss gently to coat and let marinate for 5 minutes.
- Heat a skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add the oil and tofu with all the leftover marinade. Cook for about 4 minutes stirring often or until golden brown. Set aside.
- Cook the rice noodles, covered in boiled water for 5 minutes until soften (for more details, refer to the packaging instructions). Then drain and set aside.
- Heat a large pan over medium heat. Add the shredded coconut and toast for about 1-2 minutes stirring constantly until slightly golden. Be careful, they can burn very quickly. Set aside.
- Peel and grate the carrots. Place in a large bowl with the tofu, rice noodles and toasted coconut. Add the fresh coriander roughly chopped, the crushed toasted peanuts and sesame seeds, and mix. Add all the dressing and toss to coat and mix all the ingredients.
- Prepare the peanut dipping sauce by mixing all the ingredients in a medium bowl. Add water a little at a time until you get the right consistency (thick but pourable).
- Prepare the rice paper rolls : Add hot water to a wide shallow dish that can fit the size of the roll papers. Plunge a single rice paper in the warm water for about 30 seconds, waving it gently. Be careful not to soak too long or the papers can easily break. It should be soft and pliable, but still firm.
- Once softened, immediately transfer the rice paper to a flat surface like a cutting board. Gently try to spread the edges of the rice paper as much as possible. Then add a layer of the mixture to the bottom third of the rice paper.
- To roll, use your hands to tuck the bottom edge of the rice paper, to completely cover the filling. Gently compress to make sure the filling is well compacted. Then tuck the left side in over the center, followed by the right side over the center. Finally, roll forward to close the roll. Do the same with an other rice paper until you have used all the filling (about 8 rolls, but it can depend on the size of the rice papers).
- Enjoy as it or cut into half, with the peanut dipping sauce and extra soy sauce.
- Pressing the tofu is optional but can be very helpful depending on the quality of the tofu you are using, to remove all the excess moisture. To press the tofu, you can use a tofu press or wrap the whole block of tofu in a clean absorbent towel and place something heavy on top (like an iron cast). Press for about 10 minutes until the tofu has released most of its water. Unwrap and proceed following the recipe instructions.
- Toasting the coconut is optional but strongly enhances the flavors and bring some crunchiness. When toasting the coconut in the pan, be very careful as it can burn very quickly. Stir constantly using a wooden spatula and remove from heat immediately when the coconut start to brown.
- To prepare the rice papers, I recommend to use warm but not boiled water. A too hot water can break the rice papers which are very fragile. Be very gentle when manipulating the rice papers.

Rouleaux de printemps au tofu façon Thai
- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Cook Time: 10 minutes
- Total Time: 30 minutes
- Yield: 8 rouleaux 1x
Ces rouleaux de printemps Thai accompagnés d’une sauce crémeuse à la cacahuète sont parfaits pour un repas sain et léger. Très facile et rapide à réaliser : il suffit de tout mélanger dans un bol.
- 6 c. à s. de vinaigre de riz
- 3 c. à s. de sauce soja salée
- 3 c. à s. de jus de citron vert
- 1 c. à s. de sirop d’agave
Garniture Rouleaux de printemps
- 1/2 bloc de tofu ferme nature
- 2 c. à s. de sauce soja salée
- 1 c. à c. d’huile pour la cuisson
- 50g de vermicelles de riz
- 30 g de noix de coco râpée
- 2 carottes de taille moyenne
- Un petit bouquet de coriandre fraiche
- 30 g de cacahuètes toastées
- 2 c. à s. de graines de sésame
- 8–10 feuilles de riz
Sauce à la cacahuète
- 3 c. à s. de beurre de cacahuète nature
- 1 c. à s. de sauce soja salée
- 2 c. à s. de jus d’orange frais
- 1 c. à s. de jus de citron vert
- 1 c. à c. de sirop d’agave
- 2 c. à s. d’eau
- Un petit morceau de gingembre frais
- Préparer la vinaigrette en mélangeant tous les ingrédients dans un bol. Réserver.
- Presser le tofu afin de retirer l’excédent d’eau. Utiliser une presse à tofu ou enveloper le simplement dans un torchon propre et absorbant et placer un objet lourd au dessus (se référer aux notes pour plus de détails). Puis détailler le tofu en petits dés. Placer le tofu dans un récipient à find plat et ajouter la sauce de soja. Remuer pour bien enrober et laisser mariner pendant 5 minutes.
- Faire chauffer une poêle sur feu moyen puis ajouter l’huile, les dés de tofu mariné avec tout l’excédent de marinade. Cuire pendant 4 minutes en remuant régulièrement jusqu’à ce que le tofu soit doré. Réserver.
- Cuire les nouilles de riz dans de l’eau portée à ebullition pendant 5 minutes jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient bien tendre (se référer aux instructions du paquet). Puis égoutter et réserver.
- Faire chauffer une grande poêle sur feu moyen. Quand elle est chaude, ajouter la noix de coco râpée et toaster pendant 1 à 2 minutes en mélangeant constamment. Dès que la coco commence à prendre une couleur dorée, retirer du feu et continuer à mélanger dans la poêle chaude. Réserver.
- Peler et râper les carottes. Placer les carottes râpées dans un grand saladier, avec le tofu, les nouilles de riz et la noix de coco. Ajouter la coriandre hachée, les cacahuètes concassées et les graines de sésame. Puis ajouter toute la vinaigrette et bien mélanger.
- Préparer la sauce à la cacahuète en mélangeant tous les ingrédients dans un bol. Ajouter l’eau petit à petit jusqu’à atteindre la bonne texture, crémeuse et pas trop liquide.
- Préparer les rouleaux : faire chauffer de l’eau et la verser dans un grand plat profond. Le plat doit être suffisamment large pour pouvoir contenir les feuilles de riz. Plonger une première feuille de riz et la laisser pendant environ 30 secondes en la faisant onduler délicatement. La feuille de riz doit être tendre et pliable mais quand même suffisamment ferme pour ne pas casser.
- Transférer la feuille de riz sur une surface plate et propre, comme une planche à découper. Délicatement, essayer de l’étaler complètement. Puis placer un boudin de garniture au tiers, en bas de la feuille de riz.
- A l’aide des mains, rabattre le bord bas de la feuille au dessus de la garniture, afin de la recouvrir complètement. Serrer délicatement de façon à bien compresser la garniture dans la feuille. Puis rabatte le bord gauche, puis le bord droit et finir de rouler jusqu’à ce que le rouleau soit fermé. Répéter l’opération avec une autre feuille de riz, jusqu’à avoir utilisé toute la garniture (environ 8 rouleaux, cependant le nombre de rouleaux peu varier en fonction de la taille des feuilles de riz).
- Déguster tels quels ou coupés en deux, trempé dans la sauce à la cacahuète et un peu de sauce soja.
- L’étape de pressage du tofu est optionnelle mais peut être très utile en fonction de la qualité du tofu utilisé, afin de retirer tout l’excès d’eau. Pour presser le tofu, utiliser une presse à tofu ou enveloper le bloc entier dans un torchon absorbant et placer un objet lourd au dessus (comme une poêle en fonte). Presser pendant environ 10 minutes jusqu’à ce qu’une bonne partie de l’eau ai été extraite.
- Toaster la noix de coco râpée est optionnel mais permet de révéler les arômes et d’apporter une touche de croustillant à la recette. Soyez très vigilant lors de cette étapes car la noix de coco peut bruler très rapidement. Sur le feu, remuer constamment avec une spatule en bois et retirer du feu dès que la noix de coco commence à se colorer.
- Pour la préparation des feuilles de riz, il est conseillé d’utiliser de l’eau chaude mais pas bouillante. Une eau trop chaude risque de trop ramollir les feuilles de riz, très fragiles, et de les rendre cassantes.