There is no season for ice-cream! These popsicles are so creamy and mild with their warm spicy flavor that you can enjoy them both in summer and winter. Well, it is actually still summer in Paris and will should have some more time to enjoy ice-creams under the sun. But I love fall and winter flavors so much that I just couldn’t resist to put them into a popsicle recipe!
I am pretty contradictory about it, while I love the vibes of summer, the hot sunny and long evenings, wearing shorts and walking bare foot, I also love the atmosphere of winter, cold and snowy afternoons drinking hot teas and eating freshly baked buns, wearing big warm sweaters.
I love these two extremes and if you asked me I think I couldn’t choose. So, in summer I’m usually missing winter baking, nourishing meal and spicy flavors, and in winter I can’t help thinking about juicy sweet melon and fresh salads.
These hazelnut popsicles are the result of such a carving. It’s summer, it’s hot and I wanted to make ice-cream, but on the other hand I was strongly missing roasted hazelnut and cinnamon flavors.
Lately, I had experimented a lot with nut butters, testing different flavorings and combinations of nuts – by the way I will write a blog post about nut butters and share the recipes with you. So I suddenly found myself with lot of jars full of nut butter and I started using them in my cooking. I found nut butters to bring deep flavor and very pleasant creaminess to my preparations.
Basically, nut butters can replace part of the fat in your recipes and act like a binding agent. So I though about adding some in popsicles to make them creamier and avoid to crystallize when you let them in the freezer for a long time – I really don’t like it. And I was totally amazed of the result!
These popsicles are definitely the best I have ever done! It’s chocolate and roasted hazelnut Nutella like flavor doesn’t need any introduction, they are just as sweet as needed and their creaminess in the mouth is to die for! I made a batch of these and kept them up to one week, and they stayed totally creamy.
For the base, I’ve used coconut cream and banana. I wanted to replace half of the coconut cream with frozen banana because it makes the ice-cream lighter and even creamier. I strongly recommend to use full fat coconut milk for this recipe to get your ice-cream really smooth and creamy. The tip for it is to store your full fat coconut milk can in the fridge the day before and then using scoop the thick layer that has formed on the top of the can: this is the coconut cream and it will provide you the best result!
Also, these popsicles are totally refined sugar free, all the sweetness comes from the Medjool dates. I love working with dates as they bring a light sweetness as well as pleasant taste and smooth texture. But if you can’t provide Medjool dates, you can sub by a little more hazelnut butter and maple syrup.
Now, your turn to enjoy these delicious popsicles, be it in summer or in winter. Why not to do your version? Experiment with an other nut butter, like peanut or almond, different flavors like cardamom, matcha, a pinch of salt, creating your own fudgey popsicle!
Recette version française
Bâtonnets glacés à la noisette
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 3 heures
- Total Time: 0 hours
- Yield: 6 1x
- Category: dessert, snack
Ces délicieux bâtonnets glacés à la noisette et au chocolat sont parfaits pour un snack sain et rafraichissant. Ils sont sans sucre ajouté, sans produit laitier et sans gluten.
- 40g de noisettes entières
- 240ml de crème de coco entière
- 1 banana bien mûre
- 2 dattes Medjool
- 1/2 c.à.c d’extrait de vanille
- 1 c.à.s de cacao en poudre
- 1/4 c.à.c de cannelle
- Commencer par faire griller les noisettes. Etaler les noisettes sur une plaque de cuisson, bien espacées, et enfourner à 150°C pour environ 10 à 15 minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient bien dorées. Surveiller régulièrement la cuisson car les noisettes peuvent très rapidement bruler. Sortir du four et laisser complètement refroidir.
- Une fois les noisettes complètement refroidies, retirer la peau.
- Mixer les noisettes à l’aide d’un blender ou d’un mixeur jusqu’à obtenir un beurre parfaitement lisse. Cela peut prendre de 2 à 5 minutes en fonction de la puissance de votre appareil.
- Ajouter la crème de coco, les dattes dénoyautées et grossièrement hachées, la banane en morceaux, l’extrait de vanille et la cannelle. Mixer jusqu’à obtenir une texture parfaitement lisse et onctueuse.
- Ajouter la poudre de cacao et mixer de nouveau.
- Verser la préparation dans les moules à glace et tapoter pour bien répartir le mélange. Fermer les moules et insérer les bâtonnets. Placer au congélateur pour au moins 3 heures, jusqu’à ce que la préparation ai bien figé.
- Pour retirer les glaces du moule, passer sous l’eau chaude pendant environ 30 secondes, puis tirer doucement sur les bâtonnets.