Easy vegan and gluten free Pumpkin Bread that is moist, fluffy and perfectly spiced. Honestly, if I had to choose only one Fall baking recipe it would be this one. It’s delicious, packed with pumpkin puree for an incredibly moist texture, super easy to make with simple pantry ingredients and just slightly sweetened with maple syrup. Enjoy toasted with a cup of tea for a comforting breakfast or snack.

How to make vegan gluten-free pumpkin bread
Okay guys, this pumpkin bread recipe is SO easy I can summarize everything in four simple steps: mix dry ingredients, mix wet ingredients, add in dry ingredients to wet, bake and enjoy! Really, it’s simple as that. No complicated step, no fancy equipment, no resting time. All you need is a bowl and a whisk to enjoy the BEST vegan pumpkin bread.
Make your own oat flour
Oat flour is my favorite option for gluten-free bakings. It is very versatile and easy to work with, which makes it a great option for cakes, cookies or pancakes. Oat flour is pretty dry and is said to substitute all-purpose flour in a 1:1 ratio. However, I love to combine it with another gluten-free flour and almond meal for best results. Almond meal naturally contains healthy fats from the nut and helps to create a fluffy texture.
While oat flour has became very common in some countries and can be easily found in grocery stores, it is still hard to find in others, including France. The good news is it’s super easy to make your own oat flour at home! All you need is rolled oats and a high speed blender. Simply mix the oats in your blender until you get a very fine flour. For best results, sift the flour to remove coarse bits of oats that could create a grainy texture.

Make your own pumpkin puree
As for the oat flour, pumpkin puree can be easily found in grocery stores, especially in America where it’s widely used in traditional bakings. Just make sure to use pure pumpkin puree and not pumpkin pie filling. The only ingredient on the list should be pumpkin.
Again, if you can’t get canned pumpkin puree or simply prefer to make your own, it’s ridiculously easy! I’ve already shared the method to make pumpkin puree from scratch for my Creamy Pumpkin Porridge. Check out the article for all the details, but here is a quick sum up:
- Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds, the pulp, peel and cut the flesh into large cubes.
- Place the pumpkin cubes in a large saucepan filled with water. Bring to a boil and cook covered for about 20 minutes or until it’s soft.
- Drain and allow to cool down before mixing until smooth.
- Store it in a glass jar in the fridge for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 2 months.

How to perfectly bake pumpkin bread
The baking process is the most important step to ensure a moist and fluffy pumpkin bread, cooked right to the center. The key is to find the right combination between baking temperature and baking time so that it can cook evenly and keep its moist texture. In this recipe we’re baking at 350F for around 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes.
An other important factor for a perfect baking is the pan. The baking time and final shape and texture of your pumpkin bread strongly depends on the pan you’re using. For the best results, bake in a 9×5 light-colored aluminum loaf pan. Make sure the size of the pan is appropriate for the quantity of dough. If the pan is too large, the bread will be flat and dry.
To bake the pumpkin bread, start with a 1 hour timer. Then use a toothpick to check the center of the bread. You know it’s ready when it comes out clean. If it comes out with wet batter, keep baking by intervals of 5 minutes and test the texture. Mine took about 65 minutes to bake.
Once baked, allow the bread to cool down for 10 minutes in the pan. Then remove from the pan, place on a cooling rack and allow to completely cool down before slicing. This step is very important to allow the cake to firm up and avoid it to crumble when sliced.

How to store pumpkin bread
This pumpkin bread is SO delicious that I can bet it won’t last long on your kitchen counter top. But it’s also the perfect recipe to make for parties and Fall gatherings, as it is very easy to prepare, to store and to transport.
There are two main options to store pumpkin bread. For optimum conservation, keep the whole bread untouched in the pan and wrap it in plastic wrap at room temperature or in the fridge. Not to slice the bread prevents it to dry and helps to keep it moist and fluffy. If the bread has already been sliced, store the leftovers in an air-tight container in the fridge. Either way, this pumpkin bread will keep very well, for 3 days on the countertop or up to one week in the fridge.
If you want to keep it for even longer, you can freeze it for up to 1 month. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap then place it in a freezer bag and freeze.
When you want a slice, just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds, or toast in the oven or in a skillet. Enjoy warm with coconut yogurt, apple sauce or baked fruits.

For more fall inspired recipes:
- Creamy Pumpkin Porridge GF
- Healthy Carrot Cake GF oil-free
- No bake Buckwheat Pumpkin slices GF
- Apple Cinnamon Bread with Maple Tahini Sauce GF oil-free
- Quick Nutty Skillet Granola GF oil-free
- Streusel Cranberry Walnut Muffins
- Crunchy Nuts and Orange Granola GF
I love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me @alicepages on your photos on Instagram and give your feedback in the comments below if you make this recipe at home! Your opinion is my best reward.
Gluten free Pumpkin Bread
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 1 hour
- Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Yield: 8 – 10 slices 1x
- Category: Bread
- Method: Oven
- Cuisine: American vegan
- Diet: Gluten Free
Super easy Vegan Gluten free Pumpkin Bread that is moist, fluffy, perfectly spiced and lightly sweetened. Enjoy with a cup of tea for a delicious Fall breakfast, comforting snack or healthy dessert.
- 1 cup oat flour
- 3/4 cup buckwheat flour
- 2/3 cup almond meal
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/4 tsp ground ground star anise
- 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/8 tsp ground clove
- 1/8 tsp ground coriander
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp ground flax seeds
- 2 tbsp almond milk
- 2/3 cup pure pumpkin puree (canned or homemade)
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease the sides of a 9×5 loaf pan and line with bands of parchment paper. Make sure that the paper comes up and over the pan to make it easier to lift out.
- In a small bowl, combine the ground flax seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Stir and set aside for 5 minutes to thicken.
- In a large mixing bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients (oat flour, buckwheat flour, almond meal, coconut sugar, baking powder, baking soda, spices and salt). Set aside.
- In a separate bowl, mix together the pumpkin puree, maple syrup, coconut oil and vanilla. Use an electric mixer or a whisk to combine and emulsify. Then mix in the thickened flax seed mixture.
- Mix half of the dry ingredients and the almond milk into the pumpkin mixture and stir using a spatula until combined. Then mix in the remaining dry ingredients until you get en even and thick batter.
- Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the surface using a spatula.
- Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. If it needs more baking time, keep adding 5 minutes and check the texture until it’s ready.
- Allow to cool down for 10 minutes, then remove from the pan and allow to completely cool down, for at least 1 hour, before slicing.
- Once cooled, store in an air tight container at room temperature for 3 days or in the fridge for up to 7 days.
- To make your own oat flour, mix rolled oats in a high speed blender until you get a very fine flour. For best results, sift the flour to remove coarse bits of oats that could create a grainy texture.
- Coconut Sugar may be substituted for brown sugar.
- The baking time can vary depending on your oven and the size of your pan. To make sure the pumpkin bread is perfectly baked, insert a toothpick or a knife into the banana bread and pull it out. If it comes out clean, it’s ready.
Recette version française
Pumpkin Bread, gâteau à la courge sans gluten
Ce gâteau vegan et sans gluten à la purée de courge est incroyablement moelleux, délicatement épicé, peu sucré et très facile à réaliser. Il sera parfait pour un petit-déjeuner ou un goûter sain et ultra gourmand.
- 90 g de farine de flocons d’avoine (voir notes)
- 90 g de farine de sarrasin
- 55 g de poudre d’amande
- 25 g de sucre de coco
- 11 g de levure chimique
- 2 c. à c. de cannelle moulue
- 1 c. à c. de gingembre moulu
- 1/2 c. à c. d’anis étoilée moulue
- 1/2 c. à c. de noix de muscade moulue
- 1/2 c. à c. de clou de girofle moulue
- 1/4 c. à c. de coriandre moulue
- 1/4 c. à c. de sel
- 15 g de graines de lin moulues
- 40 ml de lait d’amande
- 135 g de purée de courge maison ou en conserve (au choix citrouille, potiron, butternut …)
- 30 g de sirop d’érable
- 30 g d’huile de coco fondue
- 1 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- Préchauffer le four à 180°C. Huiler et chemiser un moule à cake de dimensions 25 x 11 cm avec des bandes de papier sulfurisé. Faire bien dépasser les bandes de papier afin de faciliter le démoulage.
- Mélanger les graines de lin moulues avec 50ml d’eau dans un petit bol. Remuer et laisser reposer 5 minutes pour que le mélange épaississe.
- Dans un grand saladier, mélanger tous les ingrédients secs (farine de flocons d’avoine, farine de sarrasin, poudre d’amande, sucre, levure, épices et sel).
- Dans un saladier à part, mélanger la purée de courge avec le sirop d’érable, l’huile de coco fondue et la vanille. Battre avec un mixeur électrique ou un fouet jusqu’à obtention d’un mélange homogène. Puis ajouter la préparation de graines de lin épaissie et mixer de nouveau.
- Verser la moitié des ingrédients secs et le lait d’amande dans la préparation humide et mélanger avec une spatule. Puis ajouter le restant d’ingrédients secs et mélanger pour obtenir une pâte homogène, assez ferme et épaisse.
- Verser la pâte dans le moule et lisser la surface avec une spatule.
- Enfourner pour 1 heure à 1 heure 15 environ. Verifier la cuisson en plantant un cure dent dans le gâteau, s’il ressort sec alors c’est cuit. Si besoin, prolonger le temps de cuisson par intervalles de 5 minutes et vérifier la cuisson jusqu’à ce que le gâteau soit cuit.
- Retirer du four et laisser refroidir 10 minutes avant de démouler. Puis laisser refroidir complètement, pendant au moins 1 heure avant de découper.
- Le pumpkin bread se conservera entier ou tranché dans un récipient hermétique, 3 jours à température ambiante et jusqu’à 1 semaine au réfrigérateur.
- Pour réaliser votre farine de flocons d’avoine, mixer des flocons d’avoine entiers dans un blender jusqu’à obtenir une fine poudre. Passer au tamis pour retirer les éventuels gros morceaux.
- Le temps de cuisson peut varier en fonction du four et de la taille du moule. Pour vérifier la cuisson, plantez puis retirez un cure dent ou la pointe d’un couteau dans le gâteau, si elle ressort propre et sans bouts de pâte, alors il est cuit. Sinon, prolongez la cuisson de 5 minutes.
Yay. you posted the recipe! Omg, I love your healthier take on this normally sugar-filled Autumn treat and as always, your photos are lovely!