If you’re looking for a healthy banana bread recipe everybody will love, this is THE ONE. This banana bread is gluten free, low in sugar and fat, incredibly moist and packed with banana flavors. It’s so delicious and easy to make that it will quickly become your go-to for parties and event.

Why you’ll love this recipe
Everybody loves a fluffy and moist banana bread. You can’t go wrong with its subtle banana and spices flavors, moist texture and delicate sweetness. It’s a classic in bakery that everyone has adapted to make it its own.
I’ve waited for a long time before sharing my banana bread recipe. I’ve tried many combinations, had many fails, but finally I think this is the one. This is my healthy version of banana bread, packed with nutritious whole-ingredients, gluten free and low in sugar, but sill very simple to prepare.
- This banana bread is gluten free. Because either you have a gluten intolerance or you simply want to avoid it, I want everybody to be able to enjoy it! All-purpose flour is replaced by oat flour (see notes for how-to make oat flour from scratch), brown rice flour and almond meal. And that’s ALL. No gum or thicker needed.
- It’s low in sugar. This bread is already naturally sweetened by the overripe bananas. I just added a splash of maple syrup and a bit of coconut sugar for an extra sweetness and texture.
- This bread is low-fat, with only three tablespoons of coconut oil in the whole bread.
… But overall it is delicious! Because taste is always the priority. I love to enjoy this healthy banana bread as an afternoon snack with a tea, or toasted with fruits and nut butter for a yummy breakfast.

The secret tips for a moist and fluffy banana bread
While this recipe is very simple, requires few ingredients and only takes 15 minutes to prepare, there are some helpful tips to know to make the best fluffy banana bread.
- Use overripe medium size bananas. This point is very important as the bananas are the main binding and moisturizing ingredient in this recipe. The better is to use very ripe bananas with big brown dots on the skins and soft to the touch. Also the ripper the banana the sweeter.
- Don’t skip the apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is essential to making this banana bread light and fluffy. It will react with the almond milk and baking soda. And I promise you won’t taste vinegar in your bread.
- Add almond meal in the batter (and not almond flour). Almond meal contains more fats than almond flour and brings a fluffy texture to all your cakes and baking goods.
- Don’t over-mix the batter to keep this bread light and fluffy. Mix just until combined and no large chunks remain. It’s okay if the mixture is not perfectly smooth. Over-mixing can lead to a heavier bread.
- Adjust the baking time. As for many recipes, the baking time can vary depending on your oven. Start by baking for 1 hour and check by inserting and removing a toothpick in the center. If the center is still wet, bake in 5 minute intervals until done.

Recipe variations and adaptations
What is amazing with banana bread is that there are so many ways you can adapt it and create something different every time. This recipe is a very good gluten free basic. Even if it is delicious as it is, I love to make variations by simply adding some ingredients.
- One very common but delicious variation is to fold in chocolate chips in the batter. I love to use chopped dark chocolate rather than small chocolate chips. For the chocoholics, replace half of the brown rice flour by cacao powder for a very chocolate banana bread.
- If you love nuts, you can also add crushed pecans or walnuts, dry fruits and 5 spies for a delicious comforting bread.
- You can also add fresh fruits like blueberries. To avoid the blueberries to release water during baking and make the banana bread soggy, toss the blueberries in flour before folding in the batter.
- If you’re not avoiding gluten, you can use all-purpose flour instead of oats and brown rice flour. I recommend to keep the almond meal that brings fluffiness to the banana bread.
- If you’re avoiding oil you can substitute the coconut oil with apple sauce, but the texture of your banana bread will be less fluffy.

How to store your banana bread
This banana bread is so delicious that I’m pretty sure it won’t last long in your kitchen. I love to make this recipe for an event to share with my family and friends as it is very easy to prepare, to store and to carry.
For best storage result, leave the banana bread unsliced and store in an airtight container. It will last 2-3 days covered on the countertop, or up to a week in the fridge. Not to slice the banana bread prevents it to dry and helps to keep its moist and fluffy texture. However if you have already sliced your banana bread, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to protect the inside of the bread.
And if you want to keep it for even longer, you can freeze it. This bread freezes very well for up to 3 months. Simply wrap it tightly in plastic wrap then place it in a freezer bag and freeze. When ready to enjoy, place the banana bread in refrigerator overnight to thaw. Then place the bread on your kitchen counter top for about 30-60 minutes to allow it to come to room temperature before slicing, toasting and enjoying.

For more vegan baked goods, try these recipes
- Pineapple and Coconut Island sheet cake loaded with tropical flavors
- Carob Loaf with Caramel frosting (GF + Sugar free) a readers favorite
- Healthy Carrot cake (GF + Sugar free), a classic made healthy
- Streusel Cranberry and Walnut muffins
- Apple Cinnamon Loaf (GF + Sugar free)
I love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me @alicepages on your photos on Instagram and give your feedback in the comments below if you make this recipe at home! Your opinion is my best reward.
Healthy Gluten free banana bread
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 1 hour
- Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Yield: 10 slices 1x
- Category: bread
A healthy and simple banana bread that is gluten-free, low in fat and sugar, but sill incredibly moist and delicious.
Wet ingredients
- 3 medium very ripe bananas
- 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp almond butter (or any nut butter of your choice)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Dry ingredients
- 1 cup of oat flour (see notes)
- 1 cup brown rice flour
- 3/4 cup almond meal
- 1/4 cup coconut sugar (or cane sugar)
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- A pinch of salt
- 1 yellow banana (not over-ripped)
- Preheat your oven to 350F and grease and line a 9×5 loaf pan.
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the almond milk and apple cider vinegar. Stir and set aside to activate for 3 minutes. Some little milk clots will form on the surface, which is totally normal.
- Peel and mash the very ripe bananas using a fork until puree. Don’t over mash it, it’s okay if the texture is not perfectly homogeneous and small bites remain.
- Add the coconut oil, maple syrup, almond butter and vanilla extract to the mashed bananas and stir to combine. Then add this mixture to the almond milk and whisk until well combined.
- In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together.
- Then pour the dry mixture into the wet ingredients and mix using a wooden spatula until just combined. Don’t over-mix the batter, it’s okay if it’s not totally homogeneous.
- Pour the batter into your prepared loaf pan and smooth the surface using a spatula. Slice the yellow banana in half down the middle and place the slices with the cut side facing up on top of your banana bread.
- Bake for 1 hour or until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool down for 20 minutes, then remove the banana bread from the mold and allow to completely cool down, for at least 1 hour.
- You can make your own oat flour by blending rolled oats until you get a very fine flour consistency.
- The baking time can vary depending on your oven. To make sure your banana bread is baked, insert a toothpick or a knife into the banana bread and pull it out. If it comes out clean, the bread is ready.
- Because it is gluten free, this banana bread will stay pretty moist at heart. Make sure to let it completely cool down before removing from the mould and slice to allow the bread to firm up.
- This recipe has been updated the 21/12/2019. Ground flax seeds have been removed and replaced for almond butter, and the quantity of flour and almond meal have been adjusted.
Recette version française
Banana bread healthy sans gluten
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 1 heure
- Total Time: 0 hours
- Yield: 10 parts 1x
- Category: gâteaux
Ce banana bread sans gluten, à faible teneur en sucre et en gras vous étonnera par sa texture moelleuse et son délicieux goût de banane.
Ingrédients humides
- 3 bananes très mûres (environ 280 g)
- 125 ml de lait d’amande
- 15 ml de vinaigre de cidre
- 45 g d’huile de coco fondue
- 50 g de purée d’amande (ou autre beurre d’oléagineux au choix)
- 35 g de sirop d’érable
- 1 c.à c. d’extrait de vanille
Ingrédients secs
- 100 g de farine de flocons d’avoine (voir notes)
- 100 g de farine de riz complet
- 70 g de poudre d’amande
- 30 g de sucre de coco (ou sucre de canne)
- 11 g de levure chimique
- 1 c. à c. de cannelle en poudre
- Une pincée de sel
- 1 banane pas trop mûre
- Préchauffer le four à 180°C et huiler et chemiser un moule à cake de dimensions 25 x 11 cm environ.
- Dans un grand saladier, mélanger le lait d’amande et le vinaigre de cidre. Laisser reposer pendant 3 minutes. Le vinaigre va agir sur le lait et le faire cailler en surface.
- Peler et écraser grossièrement la banane à l’aide d’une fourchette jusqu’à obtenir une purée.
- Ajouter l’huile de coco, la purée d’amande, le sirop d’érable et la vanille à la purée de banane, et mélanger. Verser ce mélange dans le lait d’amande caillé et remuer pour incorporer tous les ingrédients.
- Dans un saladier à part, mélanger tous les ingrédients secs.
- Verser le mélange sec dans la préparation humide et remuer à l’aide d’une spatule afin de les incorporer. Ne pas trop travailler la pâte pour garder quelques irrégularités dans la texture.
- Verser la préparation dans le moule à cake, bien répartir et lisser la surface à l’aide d’une spatule. Pour la décoration, couper la banane en deux dans le sens de la longueur et placer les moitiés de banane au dessus du gateau, face tranchée vers le haut. Appuyer délicatement pour enfoncer légèrement les bananes dans la pâte.
- Enfourner pour 1 heure. Verifier la cuisson en plantant un cure dent dans le banana bread : si il ressort sec, alors c’est cuit! Retirer du four et laisser refroidir 20 minutes avant de sortir le gateau du moule, puis laisser refroidir complètement pendant au moins 1 heure avant de découper et déguster.
- Pour réaliser votre farine de flocons d’avoine, mixer des flocons d’avoine entier dans un blender jusqu’à obtenir une fine poudre.
- Le temps de cuisson du banana bread peut varier en fonction de votre four. Pour vérifier la cuisson, plantez puis retirez un cure dent ou la pointe d’un couteau dans le banana bread. Si elle ressort propre et sans bouts de pâte, alors il est cuit. Sinon, prolongez la cuisson de 5 – 10 minutes.
- Comme ce gateau est sans gluten, il restera assez humide à l’intérieur comparé à un banana bread classique. C’est pourquoi il est très important de le laisser complètement refroidir avant de le sortir du moule, afin qu’il se raffermisse et pour éviter de le casser.
- Cette version a été modifiée le 21/12/2019: les graines de lin moulues ont été remplacées par le beurre d’amande et les quantités de farine et poudre d’amande ont été ajusté.