Gluten free Coconut Tortilla Chips

These coconut tortilla chips are my absolute favorite appetizer! Made from scratch and naturally gluten free, they are the perfect snack to share and much healthier than anything you could find in supermarkets. Okay, I am an absolute appetizer addict, and if you ask me what’s my favorite snack I would answer: tortilla chips for sure! I am a huge Mexican food lover and I think these little crunchy triangles are the best. Really good by themselves, they are also perfect for dipping in a guacamole, spicy sauce or to be used in dishes. However, I always struggle finding good appetizers in supermarkets. The thing is that I don’t want appetizer to mean unhealthy, junk occasional food. I think it is possible to enjoy savory snack regularly at any occasion, without feeling guilty for the whole next week. Just make it healthy! But the issue with industrial appetizers is that they are often packed with low quality fats, tons of salt and numerous additive. Even the ones that claim to be “reduced in fat”, or “50% less salt” still contain more fat and salt than needed. The fact is that they need these amount for their industrial process and to […]

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Gluten free Coconut Tortilla Chips

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These coconut tortilla chips are my absolute favorite appetizer! Made from scratch and naturally gluten free, they are the perfect snack to share and much healthier than anything you could find in supermarkets.

Okay, I am an absolute appetizer addict, and if you ask me what’s my favorite snack I would answer: tortilla chips for sure! I am a huge Mexican food lover and I think these little crunchy triangles are the best. Really good by themselves, they are also perfect for dipping in a guacamole, spicy sauce or to be used in dishes. However, I always struggle finding good appetizers in supermarkets. The thing is that I don’t want appetizer to mean unhealthy, junk occasional food. I think it is possible to enjoy savory snack regularly at any occasion, without feeling guilty for the whole next week. Just make it healthy! But the issue with industrial appetizers is that they are often packed with low quality fats, tons of salt and numerous additive. Even the ones that claim to be “reduced in fat”, or “50% less salt” still contain more fat and salt than needed. The fact is that they need these amount for their industrial process and to satisfy most of their customers – and also make you addicted.

Unable to find industrial appetizers that suit me, I decided to make my own and started my journey to the perfect tortilla chips! During my last trip in California, I discovered two amazing tortilla chips brands – The Real Coconut & Siete Foods to name them, and I absolutely loved them! They are grain free, gluten free, not too salty, without lot of additives, delicious and were approaching my perfect appetizer. So I was inspired by them for my tortilla chips : I wanted something healthy, gluten free, reduced in fat but still crunchy and flavorful.

I ended up with this recipe and I am totally happy with it. These tortilla chips are naturally gluten free, using coconut and cassava flours. Cassava flour is a really nice gluten free alternative easy to digest and which works perfectly in tortilla recipes! Also they contain only 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, just enough to allow them to bake and be golden and crunchy.

I choose a simple paprika and salt seasoning because it’s my favorite one, but you can be creative and use your favorite spices! Also if you prefer, you can totally omit salt in both the dough and the coating for a salt free version.

Served with this coconut yogurt and lime dipping sauce, they make the perfect healthy appetizer! You can also serve with guacamole, picco de Gallo or even use in a nacho plate with plant based melting cheese!


Prep time: 10 minutes
Baking time: 20 minutes
Serves: 3-4 servings


For the tortilla chips :

– 1/2 cup coconut flour
– 1/4 cup cassava flour
– 1/4 cup corn starch
– 1/8 tsp sea salt
– 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
– 6 tbsp of lukewarm water

For the coating :

– 1/4 tsp sea salt
– 1/2 tsp paprika powder

For the dipping sauce :

– 3/4 cup coconut yogurt
– 1 tsp garlic powder
– Juice from half a lime


1. Preheat the oven to 320F and line a baking tray with baking paper.

2. In a large bowl, combine the coconut flour, cassava flour, corn starch and sea salt. Mix to combine.

3. Add in the melted coconut oil and stir to combine. At this step you should have a dry and grainy mixture.

4. Gradually add the water and stir using a spatula. Now the mixture should be smooth, malleable and not too sticky. If the dough is still too dry, add some more water, one tablespoon at the time, until you reach the good consistency. Be careful not to add too much water : the dough must be thick enough to be laid out.

5. Form a ball with the dough and press it out evenly on a sheet of baking paper using a rolling pin. Press it out to about 2mm thick.

6. Using a knife, cut up the triangles into the dough and place them on the prepared baking tray. Reform a ball of dough from the scraps, and repeat the previous step until all the dough has been used.

7. Bake the tortillas for 15 minutes, then flip them on their other side and bake for 5 minutes more until crispy and beautifully golden.

8. When the tortillas are ready, remove from the oven and immediately sprinkle on the salt and paprika. You can use a brunch or a tissue to well coat the tortillas on both sides with the spices.

9. Allow the coated tortilla chips to completely cool down : they will continue to dry and become perfectly crispy.

10. Prepare the dipping sauce by mixing all the ingredients in a small bowl. Serve with your tortilla chips for a perfect Mexican style appetizer.


Temps de préparation: 10 minutes
Temps de cuisson: 20 minutes
Quantité: environ 3-4 portions


Pour les chips :

– 35 g de farine de coco
– 25 g de farine de manioc
– 30 g de fécule de mais
– Une pincée de sel
– 15 ml d’huile de coco fondue
– 90 ml d’eau tiède

Pour l’assaisonnement :

– 1/2 c. à c. de sel
– 1 c. à c. de paprika en poudre

Pour la sauce d’accompagnement :

– 150 g de yaourt de coco
– 1 c. à c. d’ail en poudre
– Le jus d’un demi citron vert


1. Préchauffer le four à 160°C et chemiser une plaque de cuisson de papier cuisson.

2. Dans un grand saladier, mélanger la farine de coco, la farine de manioc, la fécule de mais et le sel.

3. Ajouter l’huile de coco fondue et bien mélanger. A ce stade, la pâte doit être sèche et effritable.

4. Ajouter progressivement l’eau et bien mélanger à l’aide d’une spatule. La pâte doit devenir lisse, malléable et pas trop collante. Si la pâte et trop sèche, ajouter très progressivement de l’eau jusqu’à atteindre la consistence voulue. Attention à ne pas ajouter trop d’eau : la pâte doit être suffisamment ferme pour être étalée et travaillée.

5. Former une boule avec la pâte et l’étaler uniformément sur une feuille de papier cuisson à l’aide d’un rouleau à patisserie. La couche de pâte doit faire une épaisseur d’environ 2 mm.

6. A l’aide d’un couteau, découper des triangles dans la feuille pâte et transférer les à plat sur la plaque de cuisson chemisée. Former une boule avec les chutes de pâte et recommencer jusqu’à ce qu’il n’yen ai plus.

7. Enfourner les chips et faire cuire pendant 15 minutes, puis retourner les sur l’autre face et faire cuire pendant 5 minutes supplémentaires, jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient craquantes et légèrement dorées.

8. Une fois les tortillas prêtes, les sortir du four et les saupoudrer immédiatement du paprika et du sel. Utiliser un pinceau ou une feuille de papier cuisine pour bien les enrober d’épices sur les deux faces.

9. Laisser les chips refroidir complètement : en refroidissant elles vont continuer à sécher et devenir très craquantes.

10. Préparer la sauce en mélangeant tous les ingrédients dans un bol. Servir avec les tortillas chips pour un apéro réussi!



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Hey there! I’m Alice

welcome to Early Brawd!

A place where real food is elevated to a new level!
Here you’ll find traditional and modern recipes for every occasion, from decadent desserts to nourishing breakfast and healthy treats. Everything is plant-based, mostly gluten-free and allergy friendly, so all the food lovers can find something to satisfy their sweet tooth!



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