This butternut squash soup is loaded with warming flavors for a simple, luscious and comforting dinner during fall evenings. The base is simply made of butternut, broth and a dash of plant based milk for a perfect smooth and creamy texture that contrast a flavorful crunchy topping.

Oh hey Fall! Seems that we are definitely in now and I have to switch my salad bowls for something a little more nourishing and warming. But still don’t want to spend too much time cooking on the evening. So, what a better option than a creamy spicy soup? Very easy to prepare, warming, stuffed with lot of delicious flavors, the soup is definitely my Winter salad. And the best thing with soups is that you can prepare a large amount in one time as it doesn’t require much more work, and keep it all in fridge for the week. Then, you just have to put your portion on a bowl and microwave and your dinner is ready! And that’s just so perfect for the busy or lazy evenings.
When I asked you what kind of recipe you would like to see for Fall, most of you obviously answered “Pumpkin everything”, and that made me so happy! Because YES I love squash, any variety of squash, in any form. They are so versatile and can be used in very different ways: in a soup as we are going to do, simply roasted, steamed then mashed as a purée, or to make a creamy sauce for vegan mac and cheese! Awesome isn’t it? Basically what I love about squashes is their versatility, their creaminess, delicious flavor and their self-sufficiency.
For this soup, I choose to use butternut squash. Simply because butternut squash is one of the most popular squash you can find everywhere, because of it’s sweet nutty flavor that reminds me chestnuts then Fall, and because it turns very creamy once cooked and mixed. However this recipe should also work very well with any other variety of squash. For this recipe, I wanted to keep everything very simple and easy, with only few main ingredients, and use a lot of spices for a delicious and warming result.
One of my favorite part in this recipe is the toppings! To my mind, texture is the most important thing in a dish, it might brings curiosity, surprise and fun during the tasting experience. And despite I love soup, I just can’t eat a whole bowl of perfectly homogeneously smooth soup, I find it boring. That’s why I though about this topping made of toasted seeds and chickpeas to add some crunchiness and keep you enthusiastic during the whole tasting. Also, it adds a very pleasant toasted flavor to the whole dish.
I hope this butternut squash soup will become your new heart warmer for these cold evenings. Let me know your impressions in the comments and don’t forget to tag me on your photos @alicepages, I would be so happy to see your creations!
For more comforting dishes, check out these recipes
- Fall harvest quinoa salad with maple peanut dressing
- The best Black Bean burger
- Vegan Cheesy broccoli Bacon salad
- 5-minutes Savory Mugcake
I love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me @alicepages on your photos on Instagram and give your feedback in the comments below if you make this recipe at home! Your opinion is my best reward.
Warming Butternut Squash Soup
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 40 minutes
- Yield: 4 servings 1x
- Category: main
This creamy butternut squash soup is perfect for a healthy, nourishing and warming diner.
Butternut squash soup
- 750g butternut squash (uncooked)
- 1 big red onion, chopped
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 2 cups vegetable broth
- 1 cup almond or soy milk
- 3 tsp nutritional yeast
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/4 tsp ginger powder
- A pinch of nutmeg
- A pinch of chili flakes
- Salt, pepper
- 1/2 cup canned chickpeas
- 1 tbsp sunflower seeds
- 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
- 1 tbsp buckwheat groats
- Cut the butternut squash into large pieces (no need to peel), and steam for about 15-20 minutes, until the squash is soft. You can also use the oven method, by cutting the squash in half and baking for about 30 minutes at 400F.
- While the butternut is baking, prepare the broth. Add the coconut oil to a sauce pan on medium heat. Once heated, add the chopped red onion and cook for about 5 minutes until brown.
- Then reduce heat and add the vegetable broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, black pepper, nutmeg, chili and salt in the sauce pan. Stir well and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
- Once the squash is cooked, remove the skin and place the flesh in a blender. Add the hot broth, nutritional yeast and almond milk, and blend on high speed until you reach a perfectly smooth and creamy texture. Keep warm while you prepare the toppings.
- Rinse, drain and dry the chickpeas using paper towel.
- Heat a non sticky pan over medium heat and add the chickpeas. Allow to cook for about 10 minutes, stirring often until golden and crispy.
- Then, add the seeds and buckwheat groats and toast for 5 more minutes, stirring often to avoid to burn.
- Pour the warm soup into large bowls and garnish with the toppings and fresh parsley leaves. Enjoy!
- This soup and the toppings can be kept in refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 4 days.
Recette version française
Soupe réconfortante à la courge
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 45 minutes
- Yield: 4 portions 1x
- Category: plat
Cette soupe réconfortante ultra crémeuse à la courge butternut est parfaite pour un diner sain, nourrissant et rapide à préparer.
- 750g de courge butternut crue
- 1 gros onion rouge
- 1 c.à.c d’huile de coco
- 500 ml de bouillon végétal
- 250 ml de lait végétal (amande ou soja)
- 3 c.à.s de levure de bière
- 1/2 c.à.c de curcuma en poudre
- 1/2 c.à.c d’ail en poudre
- 1/4 c.à.c de gingembre en poudre
- une pincée de noix de muscade en poudre
- une pincée de piment en poudre
- une pincée de poivre noir
- une pincée de sel
- 100g de pois-chiches en conserve (égouttés)
- 1 c.à.s de graines de tournesol
- 1 c.à.s de graines de courge
- 1 c.à.s de graines de sarrasin
- Couper la courge, retirer les graines à l’aide d’une cuillère, puis la débiter en gros morceaux (pas besoin de retirer la peau). Cuire la courge à la vapeur pendant 15-20 minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit bien tendre. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser la méthode de cuisson au four: couper la courge en deux et la faire rôtir au four pendant 30 minutes à 200°C.
- Pendant que la courge cuit, préparer le bouillon. Faire chauffer l’huile de coco dans une casserole à feu moyen. Y ajouter l’onion rouge haché en petit dés, et le faire revenir pendant environ 5 minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’il brunisse.
- Réduire le feu et ajouter dans la casserole le bouillon végétal, le curcuma, le gingembre, l’ail, le poivre, la muscade, le piment et le sel. Bien mélanger et laisser infuser à feu doux pendant 5 minutes.
- Une fois la courge cuite, retirer la peau et placer les morceaux dans le bol d’un blender ou d’un mixeur. Y ajouter le bouillon, la levure et le lait, et mixer jusqu’à obtenir une texture parfaitement lisse et crémeuse. Réserver au chaud.
- Passer à la préparation de la garniture. Pour cela, commencer par rinser et parfaitement sécher les pois-chiches à l’aide de papier absorbant.
- Faire chauffer à sec une poêle non adhésive à feu moyen. Y mettre les pois-chiches et les faire griller pendant 10 minutes, en remuant fréquemment, jusqu’à ce qu’ils commencent à dorer.
- Ajouter les graines et le sarrasin, et les faire toaster pendant 5 minutes, toujours en remuant constamment pour éviter qu’ils ne brulent.
- Servir la soupe chaude dans des bols et garnir avec les pois-chiches et les graines grillés et quelques feuilles de persil frais. Bon appétit!
- Cette soupe et les garnitures peuvent se conserver jusqu’à 4 jours dans un récipient hermétique placé au réfrigérateur.