These vegan Cookie Dough Popsicles are a healthy, easy and deliciously addicting twist on the most decadent ice cream flavor! They are filled with a creamy pecan and chocolate chip cookie dough made with chickpeas, and dipped in dark chocolate. Perfect for a sweet and refreshing snack or dessert!
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How to make cookie dough popsicles
Now let’s make Chocolate chip Cookie Dough Popsicles! Again these are ridiculously easy to make. The recipe can be summed up in 3 words: MIX, FREEZE, DIP and enjoy!
Prepare the chickpea cookie dough batter
First step is to prepare the cookie dough, which is basically the filling for the popsicles. To make the dough you’ll need:
- Chickpeas, I used regular canned chickpeas but you can cook your own chickpeas as well
- Peanut butter, prefer a smooth natural peanut butter without added oil or sugar
- Coconut milk or coconut cream, make sure it has at least 80% of coconut
- Maple syrup
- Vanilla extract
- Sea salt
- Chocolate chips, or small chunks of dark chocolate
- Pecan nuts
Start by rinsing and draining the chickpeas to remove all the soaking liquid. Place the chickpeas, peanut butter, coconut milk, maple, vanilla and salt in a blender or a food processor and blend until you get a smooth and thick cookie dough. At this step you can taste the batter and adjust the seasoning depending on your preferences. Then fold in chocolate chips and roughly chopped pecan nuts.

Fill the popsicle molds
At this point, it’s time to fill the molds. Refer to the next paragraph for my recommendations to choose the best popsicle mold. I personally use a silicone mold with wooden sticks.
Fill each popsicle mild with the cookie dough batter up to the surface. Insert the popsicle sticks into the mold and smooth the surface of the batter with a spatula. Make sure to insert the stick about up to the middle of the popsicle to make it easier to get the thing out.
Freeze the cookie dough popsicles
Then place the popsicle molds in the freezer for 3-4 hours or more if needed. This step is very crucial to get firm popsicles with a nice regular shape. The filling must be completely hard before you try to remove from the molds. Mine were ready after about 4 hours, but if you need more time please do it! You will avoid a lot of struggle then.

Coat with chocolate
Chop and melt the dark chocolate in a double-boiler or in the microwave. It must be perfectly smooth.
When the popsicles are ready, carefully get them out of the mold. If you use silicon molds, gently push on the walls to remove the popsicles. If the filling sticks to the molds, you can use the tip of a knife or run the bottom of the molds in lukewarm water for a few seconds.
Then immediately dip the frozen popsicles in the melted dark chocolate to cover completely. Shake the popsicles to remove the excess chocolate, then place them on a dish lined with baking paper.
Return in freezer for 15 minutes until the chocolate is completely set.

Store the popsicles
To store leftover popsicles, place them on dish lined with parchment paper. You can also superimpose the frozen popsicles in a deep container, with a piece of parchment paper between each of them. This way, you can store these cookie dough popsicles in the freezer for up to 1 month.

How to choose the popsicle mold
Just like baking a cake, choosing the right molds is a key factor to make popsicles. Let’s be real, making popsicles at home can be as easy as horrible! We’ve all struggled to get the popsicles out of the molds, at least one time in our lives. It is pretty hard to know if a mold will be great or not before you actually use it. But in a general way, I don’t recommend to buy cheap rigid molds. While they are the right shape (and cheap), they often come with a very short stick and as the walls are rigid it can be very hard to release the whole popsicles.
A little trick to remove frozen popsicle
If you are in this situation, here is a little trick to help remove frozen popsicles. Simply run the ends of the mold under lukewarm water (not hot water) to slightly defrost the ice cream and make it easier to get the things out.
Popsicle Mold that I use
Anyways, the best solution is still to invest in a good quality popsicle mold. I personally choose this silicone mold and that totally changed the game! It is SO much easy to get the popsicles out as the walls are flexible and you can gently push them with your fingers. Also this model makes pretty small size popsicles that are great for a little snack or dessert.

You might probably love these healthy and delicious ice cream recipes, easy to make at home
- Healthy Snickers ice cream (peanut, caramel, chocolate)
- Strawberry and Basil ice cream (strawberry, coconut, basil)
- Breakfast Yogurt popsicles (yogurt, blueberry and granola)
- Peanut butter Cookie ice cream (peanut butter with chunks of cookie)
- Brownie ice cream (chocolate with brownie bites)
- Hazelnut Fudge popsicles (hazelnut butter, chocolate)
- Cherry Amaretto ice cream (cherry with almond cookie bites)
I love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me @alicepages on your photos on Instagram and give your feedback in the comments below if you make this recipe at home! Your opinion is my best reward.
Cookie Dough Popsicles
- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Freezing time: 4 hours
- Total Time: 4 hours 20 minutes
- Yield: 4 small popsicles 1x
- Category: Desserts
- Method: Freezer
- Cuisine: American
- Diet: Vegan
Vegan Cookie Dough Popsicles filled with a pecan and chocolate chip cookie dough made of chickpeas, and dipped in chocolate. The perfect healthy, easy and decadent snack or dessert!
- 1/2 cup chickpeas, canned and drained
- 1/4 cup peanut butter
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 pinch of sea salt
- 1/4 cup chocolate chips or chunks
- 1/4 cup pecan, chopped
- 1/2 cup dark chocolate for coating
- Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Add the chickpeas, peanut butter, coconut milk, maple syrup, vanilla and salt to a blender or a food processor, and mix until a thick creamy dough forms.
- Transfer the dough to a bowl and add the chocolate chips or chunks and the pecan roughly chopped. Mix with a spatula to incorporate in to the dough.
- Pour the batter in popsicles molds with the sticks in place and smooth the surface. Place in freezer for 3-4 hours, or until the dough is completely hardened.
- Melt the dark chocolate in a double-boiler or in microwave. Gently remove the cookie dough popsicles from the mold, and immediately dip them in the melted dark chocolate to cover completely. Shake the popsicles to remove the excess chocolate, then place them on a dish lined with baking paper.
- Return in freezer for 15 minutes to set. Keep the popsicles in the freezer until you want to enjoy.
Recette version française
Bâtonnets glacés à la Cookie dough
- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Freezing time: 4 heures
- Total Time: 0 hours
- Yield: 4 bâtonnets glacés 1x
- Category: Desserts
- Method: Congélateur
- Cuisine: Américaine
- Diet: Vegan
Ces bâtonnets vegan et sans sucre raffiné se composent d’une glace crémeuse façon pâte à Cookie à base de pois chiches, pépites de chocolat et noix de pécan. Parfaits pour un dessert sain, rafraichissant et ultra gourmand!
- 100 g de pois chiches en conserve, égouttés
- 70 g de beurre de cacahuète
- 110 g de lait de coco
- 40 g de sirop d’érable
- 1 cuillère à c. d’extrait de vanille
- 1 pincée de sel
- 20 g de pépites de chocolat
- 20 g de noix de pécan
- 80 g de chocolat noir pour l’enrobage
- Egoutter et rincer les pois chiches. Placer les pois chiches, le beurre de cacahuète, le lait de coco, le sirop d’érable, la vanille et le sel dans un blender ou un robot mixeur. Mixer jusqu’à obtenir une pâte homogène, épaisse et onctueuse.
- Transférer la pâte dans un saladier et ajouter les pépites de chocolat et les noix de pécan grossièrement hachées. Mélanger avec une spatule pour les incorporer.
- Verser la préparation dans des moules à glace avec les bâtonnets en place. Placer au congélateur pendant 3 à 4 heures, ou jusqu’à ce que les glaces soient totalement dures.
- Faire fondre le chocolat au bain-marie ou au micro onde. Retirer délicatement les glaces des moules et les tremper immédiatement dans le chocolat fondu pour les enrober complètement. Secouer pour retirer l’excédent de chocolat. Déposer les glaces dans un plat chemisé de papier cuisson.
- Placer au congélateur pendant 15 minutes pour que le chocolat durcisse. Conserver les glaces au congélateur jusqu’à la dégustation.
- Retrouvez les produits utilisés dans cette recette sur la boutique en ligne KoRo et bénéficiez de 5% de réduction avec le code ALICE5.
- Pour une glace bien crémeuse, utilisez de préférence de la crème ou du lait de coco entier avec une teneur minimum en coco de 80%.