These raw cookie dough squares are the ultimate treat to satisfy your sweet tooth. Combining the two best flavors ever : choice chips cookie and coconut, they just taste like your favorite candy bars but in a healthier version. They contain only 2 tablespoon of maple syrup, no refined sugar, and are gluten free. Again a good reason to treat yourself and remember plant-based food is nothing but boring!

I’m a huge cookie dough lover, whereas I am not that crazy about baked cookies. I love them with a vanilla flavor and a pinch of salt, melting in mouth, with big chunks of chocolate. I mean, it is so addictive that I could eat a whole jar! Hopefully for me it is not something part of the French culture and it is still hard to find some in stores. Until Ben & Jerry launched its vegan range in Europe and now I can find my favorite PB & Cookie ice-cream in my local supermarket. No need to mention that I have to work hard on myself to keep me from buying one pint each time I go for shopping.

Anyway, I love cookie dough but also I know it is definitely not the best product for your health. Industrial cookie dough often involves lot of additives, thickening ingredients, lots of fat and sugar. So much sugar that I can barely eat one spoon with being totally disgusting. Which is too bad when you know how easy and quick it is to make your own one. And let me assure you that it will be far better than the one you could buy. Also, it makes it possible to craft your own cookie dough version: do you like vanilla? Well, add more vanilla to your taste! You want it very creamy? Add some peanut butter! And that way you can experiment to create your best cookie dough ever.

This time, I wanted to make raw squares because I love raw food. Not only it keeps all the nutriments and benefits of the ingredients (which else could be destroyed during the baking process), but it also so convenient! You don’t need any expensive equipment expect a blender or mixer, no need to turn on your oven (which is really pleasant during summer), and raw recipes are often pretty easy to make and foolproof. That’s why I really like to make and share raw recipes, because I am sure that everyone of you can do it at home!

For this recipe, I wanted to make something more than simple cookie dough and to pair it with a delicious creamy coconut frosting. I love how the coconut cream and cookie dough go well together, both their flavors and texture are perfectly complementary. While the cookie dough will harden in freezer, the coconut frosting will add a smooth and creamy flavor, leading in a delicious and well balanced treat. Also, I wanted to keep the recipe simple and avoid allergen so that most of you can enjoy it!
The recipe is gluten free (the only flours are almond and coconut), dairy free and low in sugar. For those who have peanut butter allergy you can simply substitute the peanut butter by any other nut butter like cashew or almond, or simply omit it add 1 tbsp more coconut oil. Here, I have used my favorite peanut butter from GoNuts. I love it because it is totally natural, organic, and 100% peanuts, no salt, no oil! The perfect alternative when I don’t have time to make my own.

Coconut & chocolate chips cookie dough squares
- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Cook Time: 3 hours
- Total Time: 3 hours 20 minutes
- Yield: 9 squares 1x
You won’t believe these raw coconut cream squares with chocolate chips cookie dough bites are refined sugar free, vegan and gluten free.
cookie dough
- 1 cup almond meal
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 4 Medjool dates
- 4 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 2 tbsp peanut butter ( I used GoNut natural PB)
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- 2 tbsp chopped dark chocolate
coconut icing
- 1 cup raw cashew
- 1/2 cup coconut cream
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
- 2 tbsp rice malt syrup (can sub maple syrup)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
chocolate drizzle
- 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
cookie dough
- Soak the dates in hot water for about 10 minutes to soften.
- Blend the dates with 2 tbsp of water in a high speed blender until a smooth paste forms.
- Add the almond meal, coconut oil, peanut butter, maple syrup, vanilla and salt and blend until an homogeneous paste forms.
- Transfer the paste to a bowl and add the coconut flour and the chopped dark chocolate. Mix using a spatula or your hands until perfectly combined. You should have a smooth and firm but spreadable dough.
- Line a square/rectangle dish with plastic wrap and pour the dough. Press using a spatula or your hands to form an even layer. Place in freezer for about 1 hour to firm.
coconut icing
- Blend all the ingredients except the coconut oil in a high speed blender until smooth and creamy.
- Add the coconut oil and blend quickly to combine.
- Remove the dish from the freezer and pour the coconut icing over the cookie dough base. Tap to well spread and form and even layer. Return to freezer for 2-3 hours more to firm.
chocolate drizzle
- Prepare the chocolate drizzle sauce by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl until combined.
- Remove the dish from the freezer, and remove the firmed dough from the dish. Using a large knife, cut into regular squares. Immediately drizzle the chocolate over using a spoon and return to freezer to firm.
- Remove from the freezer 10 minutes before serving to soften a little.
Recette version française
Carrés glacés au coco et pâte à cookie
- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Cook Time: 3 heures
- Total Time: 3 heures 20 minutes
- Yield: 9 carrés 1x
Ultra gourmandes, ces bouchées glacées à la crème de coco et pâte à cookie aux pépites de chocolat ne contiennent que 2 cuillères de sirop d’érable, sont vegan et sans gluten.
pâte à cookie
- 1 cup d’amandes en poudre
- 1/2 cup de farine de coco
- 4 dattes Medjool
- 4 c.à.s d’huil de coco fondue
- 2 c.à.s de beurre de cacahuète (j’ai utilisé le beurre de cacahuète nature GoNuts)
- 1 c.à.s de sirop d’érable
- 1 c.à.c d’extrait de vanille
- une pincée de sel
- 2 c.à.s de chocolat noir haché
glaçage coco
- 1 cup de noix de cajou crues (non grillées)
- 1/2 cup de crème de coco
- 1/2 cup d’huile de coco fondue
- 2 c.à.s de sirop de riz (peut être remplacé par du sirop d’érable)
- 1/2 c.à.c d’extrait de vanille
- 1 c.à.s de sirop d’érable (optionnel)
nappage chocolat
- 2 c.à.s d’huile de coco fondue
- 2 c.à.s de poudre de cacao
- 1 c.à.s de sirop d’érable
Pâte à cookie
- Faire tremper les dattes 10 minutes dans de l’eau chaude pour les ramollir.
- Mixer les dattes dénoyautées avec 2 c.à.s d’eau dans un blender jusqu’à obtenir une sauce épaisse bien homogène.
- Ajouter la poudre d’amande, l’huile de coco, le beurre de cacahuète, le sirop d’érable, la vanille et le sel, et mixer de nouveau jusqu’à obtenir une pâte lisse et homogène.
- Transférer le mélange dans un grand bol et y ajouter la farine de coco et le chocolat noir haché en gros morceaux. Mélanger à l’aide d’une spatule pour bien incorporer. A ce stade, vous devriez avoir une pâte lisse, ferme et modelable.
- Chemiser un plat de forme carrée ou rectangle avec du film plastique. Y verser la pâte cookie et bien tasser à l’aide d’une spatule ou des mains pour former une couche bien lisse et plate.
- Mettre au congélateur pour 1 heure.
glaçage coco
- Blender tous les ingrédients à l’exception de l’bile de coco jusqu’à obtenir un mélange lisse et crémeux.
- Ajouter l’huile de coco fondue et mixer brièvement pour incorporer.
- Retirer le plat du congélateur et verser le glaçage au dessus de la base cookie. Tapoter le plat pour bien répartir le glaçage. Remettre au congélateur pour environ 2 à 3 heures afin que le glaçage durcisse.
Nappage chocolat
- Préparer le nappage chocolat en mélangeant tous les ingrédients dans un bol.
- Retirer le plat du congélateur, et démouler. A l’aide d’un couteau à large lame, découper la pâte en carrés de tailles régulières. A l’aide d’une cuillère, napper immédiatement de chocolat.
- Remettre au frais quelques instants pour que le chocolat durcisse.
- Retirer du congélateur 10 minutes avant de servir afin que les carrés s’attendrissent et donnent une texture onctueuse.