Are you still looking for the perfect vegan burger recipe ? Stop searching, the patty of your dreams is just below. This black bean burger has everything you can ask for : gluten free, soy free, made in less than 30 minutes, chewy texture, light smokey flavor, grillable and absolutely delicious ! It is my new favorite recipe to eat in toasted buns or simply as it with some garnishes. Try it next time you want to make a burger and I’m sure it will become your new go to recipe.
I’m running this blog for more than a year now, and still NO BURGER ! What ?! I would lie if I say I don’t like burgers, I LOVE them and cannot help but choose the burger when it’s on the menu of a restaurant. I also make burgers at home on a regular basis, especially on Friday nights, because I think it’s a very festive and comforting meal that always makes me feel happy. But despite its junk food reputation, burger doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy fat food. At least, this is how I love my burgers to be, and this is all the challenge. If you follow my blog for a while, you might have noticed that I love to take junk food recipes to turn into a healthier version, so that I can enjoy it whenever I want without any guilt.
This burger is the perfect healthy and plant based option. It is made of whole ingredients with high nutritional value. It is packed with proteins and fibers thanks to black beans, brown rice and flax seeds, and low in fat. I’ve tried a lot of recipes before reaching this one. I was on my quest to the perfect texture, I think this is the trickiest part when making a vegan patty. If you use only black bean, you often end with a smooth purée that is very difficult to shape into a patty, doesn’t hold its form in the pan is impossible to grill. But if you add flour and other thicker, you get a very dry and heavy patty, which is not a good thing neither. I love my burger to be smooth but with texture and small bites, so the solution was to incorporate texture in a smooth base. I found brown rice to be the best choice ! Cooked brown rice brings a chewy texture to the burger, makes it thicker and easier to shape. Also, adding chopped walnuts and sun dry tomatoes at the end brings even more texture with crunchy small chunks.
The secret to reach the perfect texture is in the equipment you use and the process. For burger patties and all thick mixtures in general, I highly recommend to use a food processor instead of a blender. While the high speed blender is perfect to make smooth purées like smoothies or creams, food processor is better to break and mix thick and solid ingredients. With a food processor you will be able to keep texture and small bites in your preparations, especially using the pulse mode to break and incorporate your solid ingredients at the end. So if you follow the different steps in the recipe, you are sure to get a delicious burger with lot of textures. If you don’t have a food processor at home, you can absolutely use blender, but make sure you’re not over-blending the mixture.
To go with this burger, I made my favorite grilled red pepper sauce. This sauce is so easy to prepare but absolutely delicious and saved my life more than one time when I had to prepare something in a short time. All you have to do is to grill the red pepper in oven and blend all the ingredients and voilà ! This slightly sweet and savory sauce smells the sun and garden BBQs, and you can adjust the flavorings to your taste : for instance, I love my burger to be spicy so I often double the chili quantity. This sauce is also very versatile and perfectly pairs with rice, pastas or grilled veggies.
Looking for yummy sides to eat with your burger? Check out these recipes
- Vegan cheesy broccoli bacon salad
- GF Coconut tortilla chips
- Carrot noodles with spicy almond dressing
- Butternut Squash Soup

The best Black Bean Burger with red pepper sauce
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 45 minutes
- Yield: 2 burgers 1x
- Category: main
This burger made of black beans and brown rice is vegan, gluten free, soy free and made in less than 30 minutes.
Black bean burgers
- 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
- 1 tsp + 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 red onion
- 1 1/2 cups can black beans, rinsed and dried
- 3 tsp ground flax seeds
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 tsp dry thyme
- 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
- 1/4 tsp ground cumin
- 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 3 sun dry tomatoes
- 1 tbsp walnuts
Grilled red pepper sauce
- 1/2 red pepper
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1/4 cup cashew
- 1/4 cup soy cream
- 1/2 tsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 garlic clove
- 1/8 tsp ground white pepper
- a pinch of chili flakes
- a pinch of salt
To serve
- 2 burger buns, gluten free if necessary
- Fresh lettuce or baby spinach
- Pickles
- Vegan cheese, I’ve used Jay & Joy “Jack Pimenté” almond cheese
Black bean burgers
- Cook the brown rice according to the instructions, drain and allow to cool down.
- Heat 1 tsp olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Once hot, add the chopped red onion and cook for 1-2 minutes. Set aside.
- Open the black bean can, rinse and dry them using paper towel to remove all the excess moisture. Place the black beans in a food processor or blender and mix until a smooth and creamy purée forms. Add the ground flax seeds, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, tomato paste, thyme, smoked paprika, cumin, pepper, salt, and mix to combine.
- Then add the brown rice, sautéed onions, roughly chopped sun dry tomatoes and walnuts and pulse a few time to break and incorporate the big chunks. Don’t over-mix as we want to keep some texture and small crunchy bites in the burgers.
- Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl. Divide the mixture into 2 even big balls or 4 smaller ones and form into round patties using your hands or using a cup or ring mold.
- Heat a pan over medium heat. Once hot, add 1 tbsp of olive oil and place the burgers. Cook for 4-5 minutes over medium heat, gently moving the burgers time to time to prevent them to stick to the pan. Then carefully flip and cook for 4-5 minutes on the other side. Once the burgers are nicely grilled on each side, remove from the heat and set aside.
Grilled red pepper sauce
- Preheat the oven to 400F and line a baking tray with baking paper.
- Wash, dry the red pepper and cut into large strips. Lay the red pepper strips skin up on the lined baking tray and drizzle the olive oil on top. Baked for around 15 minutes until the skins start to brown. Then remove from the oven and allow to completely cool down. Once chilled, remove the skin from the red pepper strips using your hands or a knife.
- Place the baked red pepper along with all the remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Taste and adjust the seasoning to your preferences. Transfer to a mixing bowl.
- Preheat your oven to 400F.
- Halve the buns. Assemble your burger starting with the bottom bun half, a spoon of grilled red pepper sauce, the burger, pickles and vegan cheese. Don’t put the hat on top. Place the open burger and the bun hat on a baking tray and place in oven for about 5 minutes to grill and melt the cheese.
- Then remove from the oven, add the lettuce or baby spinach on top and finish with the bun hat. Enjoy !
Recette version française
Burger aux haricots rouges à la provençal
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 45 minutes
- Yield: 2 burgers 1x
- Category: plat principal
Ce burger végétal aux haricots rouges et au riz complet est sans gluten, sans soja et prêt en moins de 30 minutes. Il est accompagné d’une sauce aux poivrons grillés qui vous transportera directement en Provence.
Steaks aux haricots rouges
- 70 g de riz complet cuit
- 1 c.à.c + 1 c.à.s d’huile d’olive
- 1/2 oignon rouge
- 220 g de haricots rouges cuits et égouttés
- 3 c.à.c de graines de lin moulues
- 1 c.à.c de vinaigre de cidre
- 1 c.à.c de sirop d’érable
- 1 c.à.s de concentré de tomate
- 1 c.à.c de thym séché
- 1/4 c.à.c de paprika fumé
- 1/4 c.à.c de cumin en poudre
- 1/4 c.à.c de poivre noir
- 1/4 c.à.c de sel
- 15 g de tomates séchées
- 15 g de noix
Sauce au poivron grillé
- 1/2 poivron rouge
- 1 c.à.c d’huile d’olive
- 30 g de noix de cajou
- 60 ml de crème de soja
- 1/2 c.à.c de sirop d’érable
- 1 c.à.c de vinaigre de cidre
- 1/2 gousse d’ail
- 1/8 c.à.c de poivre blanc
- une pincée de piment
- une pincée de sel
- 2 pains à burger, sans gluten si nécessaire
- De la salade fraiche ou des pousses d’épinard
- Des cornichons
- Du fromage vegan fondant, j’ai utilisé le “Jack Pimenté” aux amandes de Jay & Joy
Steaks aux haricots rouges
- Cuire le riz selon les instructions du paquet, égoutter et laisser refroidir complètement.
- Faire chauffer 1 c.à.c d’huile d’olive dans une poêle. Une fois chaude, ajouter l’oignon émincé et faire revenir à feu moyen pendant 1 à 2 minutes. Réserver.
- Rincer les haricots rouges et les sécher avec de l’essuie-tout pour retirer tout excès d’humidité. Placer les haricots rouges dans le bol d’un mixeur et mixer jusqu’à obtenir une purée bien lisse et crémeuse. Puis ajouter les graines de lin moulues, le vinaigre de cidre, le sirop d’érable, le concentré de tomate, le thym, le paprika, le cumin, poivre et sel et mixer pour les incorporer.
- Ajouter le riz cuit, les oignons sautés, les tomates séchées grossièrement hachées et les noix et mixer par pulsations afin de casser les gros morceaux et les incorporer au mélange. Attention à ne pas trop mixer, à ce stade on souhaite amener un peu de texture au mélange et garder des petites morceaux.
- Transférer le mélange dans un un grand saladier. Séparer la pate en deux grosses boules ou 4 plus petites selon la taille de burger désirée, et former des steaks bien ronds et compacts avec les mains ou à l’aide d’un emporte pièce.
- Faire chauffer 1 cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive dans une poêle. Une fois chaude, ajouter les steaks et faire cuire 4-5 minutes à feu moyen en remuant délicatement de temps en temps pour éviter qu’ils ne collent à la poêle. Retourner les steaks et cuire 4-5 minutes de l’autre côté. Une fois les steaks grillés, retirer du feu et réserver.
Sauce au poivron grillé
- Préchauffer le four à 200°C et chemiser une plaque de papier cuisson.
- Laver et sécher le poivron rouge et le découper en large bandes. Placer les bandes de poivron, peau vers le haut, bien à plat sur la plaque de cuisson et badigeonner d’huile d’olive. Enfourner pour 15 minutes environ, jusqu’à ce que le dessus commence à griller. Puis retirer du four et laisser refroidir complètement avant de retirer les peaux avec les mains ou un couteau.
- Dans un blender ou un mixeur, mixer le poivron grillé avec le reste des ingrédients jusqu’à obtenir une sauce parfaitement crémeuse. Goûter et ajuster l’assaisonnement en fonction de vos préférences. Transvaser la sauce dans un petit bol.
Assemblage du burger
- Préchauffer le four à 200°C.
- Couper les pains à burger en deux. Assembler les burgers en commençant par une moitié de pain, une bonne cuillère de sauce au poivron, le steak, quelques tranches de cornichon et du fromage vegan. Ne pas refermer le burger. Placer le burger et l’autre moitié de pain sur une plaque de cuisson et enfourner pendant 5 minutes afin de faire griller le pain et faire fondre le fromage.
- Retirer du four, ajouter un peu de salade ou de pousses d’épinards avant de refermer le burger et de vous régaler !
J’ai testé la recette de burgers ce soir, j’avais doublé les doses et ça s’est mangé en moins de 2 ! J’avais essayé de suivre la recette à la lettre et c’était vraiment super bon, merci beaucoup je la referai bientôt !
Hello Elodie! Merci beaucoup pour ton retour, je suis vraiment ravie d’entendre que cette de burger a fait l’unanimité! 🙂 Qui ne craquerais pas pour un délicieux burger?