Tapioca Pudding is a timeless and old-fashioned dessert! This banoffee pie version is made of a creamy coconut tapioca pudding, the best caramelized banana caramel sauce and crunchy roasted peanuts. Ready in under 30 minutes and low in sugar, this simple recipe is perfect for a light and delicious dessert or snack.

What is tapioca pearl
Tapioca pearls are nothing more than tapioca starch formed into small balls. You can find it in various shapes, like powder, small or big pearls. While the composition is the same, they will require different soaking and cooking time, so make sure you’re using small tapioca pearls for this recipe.
You can find small tapioca pearls in any grocery store. Tapioca pearls are commonly used to thicken preparations and give a nice texture to desserts, soups or drinks. For instance, you can use it to replace vermicelli in your soups or put in your cold drink. When cooked with a liquid, tapioca pearls will soften and absorb part of the liquid to make this unique soft and bubbly texture. In the same way of chia seeds, tapioca pearls will more than triple in size !
Tapioca really doesn’t have any flavor on its own. That’s why it’s important to flavor your tapioca pudding. In this recipe, you’ll get the flavor from the coconut milk, maple syrup and vanilla. But feel free to experiment with your different flavors to create a new recipe. Some of my favorite flavors are :
- Triple Chocolate, with cacao powder, cacao nibs and choco chips
- Matcha, with matcha powder and vanilla
- Chai, with chai spices, cinnamon and vanilla
While tapioca pearls isn’t so popular in some parts of the world, it definitely should be! It’s a very nice alternative to chia pudding and its fluffy signature texture is absolutely unique.

How to make tapioca pudding
There are many different ways to prepare tapioca pudding, that require more or less time and steps. In this recipe, I’m using the easiest and quickest option, that yields to a delicious and creamy result in only 15 minutes.
- To prepare the tapioca pudding, combine the milks, maple syrup, vanilla extract and salt in a sauce pan, and bring the mixture to a boil. For a completely sugar free version, you can omit the maple syrup in the pudding.
- Once boiling, add the tapioca pearls and reduce to low heat. It is very important to stir the mixture constantly to avoid the pearls to stick to the sauce pan or to form big lumps.
- It should take around 15 minutes for the liquid to be absorbed. The tapioca pudding is ready when the pearls are soft and swelled and the mixture is thick but still creamy. However, cooking time can vary depending the brands and size of the pearls. If during the cooking the mixture becomes too dry, add more milk and adapt the time.
- Once ready, transfer the tapioca pudding into small glass jars and store in fridge. Tapioca pudding can also be enjoyed warm.

How to prepare banana caramel
This is the best part of the dessert and the BEST healthy caramel ever! This caramel sauce is made of caramelized banana and soaked cashew, for a dreamy creamy result, healthier than regular caramel sauce. It is the sweet touch that will enhance your tapioca pudding and bring that yummy banoffee pie flavor.
It is very important to soak the cashews before using. Soaked cashews will give this perfect creamy texture to the caramel. Soaking nuts is a very easy process that has many benefits :
- Cleaning the nuts from dust and transportation residuals
- Removing the enzyme inhibitors that naturally coat the nuts to release all their nutritional power
- Making the nuts easier to digest
- Softening the nuts to make them easy to use in preparations
To make the caramel sauce, start by peeling and cutting the banana in medium thick slices. Cook the banana slices in a pan with coconut oil and maple syrup until soft and golden. You can also use additional brown or coconut sugar for an even more caramelized result. Remove from heat, and blend with the soaked cashews, vanilla and salt.
To make the caramel sauce, I recommend to use a high speed blender to get a very smooth texture. If using a mixer, the result should be less creamy, with small grains remaining. During the blending, don’t hesitate to scratch the sides of the bowl as many time as necessary to bring the mixture back to the blades and make the process easier.

More pudding recipes

Banoffee Coconut Tapioca Pudding
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 20 minutes
- Total Time: 30 minutes
- Yield: 3 servings 1x
- Category: desserts
These banoffee pie tapioca puddings are made of a creamy coconut tapioca pudding and the BEST banana caramel sauce. Easy to prepare and ready in under 30 minutes!
Tapioca pudding
- 1 1/4 cup coconut milk
- 1 1/4 cup almond milk
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt
- 1/3 cup tapioca pearls
Banana caramel
- 2 medium bananas
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 2 tsp maple syrup
- 1/2 cup cashew soaked overnight
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt
- Crushed roasted peanuts
- Shredded coconut
- Banana slices
- Prepare the tapioca pudding. Stir together the coconut milk, almond milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract and salt in a medium saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to low and add the tapioca pearls. Cook for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the the liquid has been absorbed and the mixture has thickened.
- Pour the tapioca pudding into small glass jars and allow to completely cool down. Store in fridge until serving.
- Prepare the banana caramel sauce. Peel and slice the banana. Melt the coconut oil in a sauce pan over medium heat. Once hot, add the banana slices and the maple syrup and cook for around 2 minutes on each side until golden.
- Rinse and drain the soaked cashews. Place in a high speed blender with the caramelized banana, vanilla extract and salt. Blend until perfectly smooth and creamy.
- Pour the banana caramel sauce on top of the tapioca puddings and sit in fridge for 10 minutes to firm.
- Garnish with crushed toasted peanuts and shredded coconut before serving.
- The plain tapioca pudding (without the banana caramel) can be stored in fridge for up to a week.
- To prepare the cashew, simply soak in clear water overnight or for at least 6 hours to soften. Rinse well and drain before using.
Perles du Japon façon Banoffee
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 20 minutes
- Total Time: 30 minutes
- Yield: 3 pots 1x
- Category: Desserts
Ces perles du japon façon banoffee sont composées d’un pudding à la noix de coco ultra crémeux surmonté d’une délicieuse sauce caramel à la banane. Facile à réaliser et prêt en moins de 30 minutes!
Perles du japon
- 300 ml de lait de coco
- 300 ml de lait d’amande
- 2 c. à s. de sirop d’érable
- 2 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- une pincée de sel
- 60 g de perles du japon
Caramel de banane
- 2 bananes
- 1 c. à c. d’huile de coco
- 2 c. à c. de sirop d’érable
- 70 g de noix de cajou trempées toute une nuit
- 1 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- une pincée de sel
- Cacahuètes toastées
- Noix de coco râpée
- Tranches de banane
- Mélanger le lait de coco, le lait d’amande, le sirop d’érable, l’extrait de vanille et le sel dans une casserole et porter le mélange à ebullition. Ajouter les perles du japon et bien mélanger pour les incorporer. Réduire à feu doux et laisser cuire pendant 15 minutes en mélangeant constamment pour éviter la formation de grumeaux. Le pudding est prêt quand tout le liquide a été absorbé et que le mélange est épais mais crémeux.
- Verser la préparation dans des petits ramequins en verre et laisser refroidir. Conserver au réfrigérateur.
- Préparer le caramel de banana. Eplucher et couper en tranches les bananes. Faire chauffer l’huile de coco dans une poêle non-adhésive. Ajouter les tranches de bananes et arroser de sirop d’érable. Faire dorer les bananes 2 minutes de chaque côté.
- Rinser et égoutter les noix de cajou préalablement trempées. Les placer dans un blender avec les bananes caramélisées, la vanilla et le sel. Mixer jusqu’à obtenir un caramel épais, lisse et bien crémeux.
- Verser une couche de caramel sur les perles du japon et placer au réfrigérateur pour 10 minutes.
- Décorer avec les cacahuètes toastées, la noix de coco râpée et des tranches de banane.
- Les perles du japon nature (sans le caramel) se conservent jusqu’à une semaine au réfrigérateur.
- Pour préparer les noix de cajou, les faire tramper dans de l’eau à température ambiante pendant toute une nuit ou au moins 6 heures. Avant de les utiliser, les rinser abondamment sous l’eau et égoutter.