These oats and banana pancakes are my favorite pancakes recipe of all the time. Not only they are super easy to prepare but also fluffy and simply delicious. The texture is so soft you will never believe they are gluten free and sugar free. They require only 9 simple ingredients you likely have on hand right now and are ready in less than 20 minutes. Sounds great for a quick breakfast or lazy Sunday mornings, isn’t it? Perfect served with fresh fruits, coconut chantilly and excessive amounts of caramel sauce.

Gluten-free and sugar-free pancakes
I absolutely love this pancake recipe because they are super healthy and totally guilt free. And there is no better feeling than enjoying food that taste amazing while nourishing your body, amaright ? These pancakes are gluten free and added sugar free, and made only with natural whole ingredients.
To make the pancakes gluten-free, I’ve used certified gluten free oat flour. I love baking with oat flour because it’s a very simple ingredient I always have at home. It gives baked goods more flavor than regular all purpose flour and a light texture. Oat flour is sometimes hard to find in store depending where you’re living. Hopefully, you can make oat flour at home simply blending oats in either a blender or a food processor until they are finely ground. For 1 cup of oat flour you’ll need about 1 1/4 cup rolled oats.
Since oat flour doesn’t contain gluten, you cannot simply substitute it for any flour in a recipe. You need to adjust all the ingredients to make your baked items light and fluffy. In this pancake recipe, brown rice flour (which is also gluten free), flax meal and corn starch helps to hold the preparation and get a light texture. Basically, oat flour is best used in baked goods that don’t need to rise, such as cookies.
These pancakes are naturally sweetened by the banana. The riper the sweeter the better! If possible, use very ripe bananas with big brown dots on the skin. This is the sign that the banana is smooth and sweet, perfect to add to your preparations as a binder or for extra sweetness.

How to prepare the pancakes
Seriously, these pancakes are the easiest thing to do – which I think is a requirement to be on your Sunday morning breakfast list.
- Start by mixing the almond milk with apple cider vinegar. The apple cider vinegar will naturally react with plant-based milk to coagulate and act like a thickener. And I promise you won’t taste it.
- Then add the mashed banana and vanilla extract. You can mash the banana with a fork until well puréed.
- Mix all the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. I like to always mix the wet and dry ingredients separately because you can make sure all the dry ingredients are well combined ans spread. It avoid to get lumps of baking powder in your batter.
- Finally, pour the wet preparation over the dry ingredients and gently stir to combine. The batter should be smooth, thicker than a crêpe batter but still pourable. Adjust with small additions of almond milk or flour to reach the perfect texture.
- For funny versions of pancakes, you can fold some additional ingredients in the batter. I recommend dark chocolate chips, blueberries, pecan nuts or dry fruits.

How to perfectly cook pancakes
Now that the batter is ready, let’s cook these pancakes! To be honest I’ve failed a lot with vegan pancakes in my life. Sometimes the batter was too liquid and sometimes too thick, resulting in a very dry and galette. But with this recipe, you cannot go wrong!
- Start by heating a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Rub with a little oil to avoid the pancakes to stick.
- When the skillet is hot, pour a scoop of batter. Adjust the quantity depending on the size of your pancakes. I love to make small pancakes so 1/4 cup is enough. But for bigger stackable pancakes, go for 1/3 cup.
- Cook the pancakes until bubbles form on the surfaces and the edges look dry enough so that the pancake can be flipped. This takes around 2-3 minutes depending on the heat and thickness of the pancake. Then gently flip using a spatula and cook for 2 minutes on the other side.
- Adjust the heat along the cooking. Once the skillet is hot, you will likely need to reduce heat to medium-low. Also don’t hesitate to rub the skillet with oil between pancakes.
- To keep your pancakes hot, transfer them to a baking sheet laid out on a single layer, and keep warm in a 200F oven.

For more easy breakfast recipes, check out the followings
If you try this recipe, don’t forget to let me know! Write a comment below on this post and tag me on your photos. I would love to see your creations.
Easy Oats Banana Pancakes (Sugar-free + GF)
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 10 minutes
- Total Time: 20 minutes
- Yield: 10 small pancakes 1x
- Category: Breakfast, Dessert
20-minutes vegan, gluten free and sugar free oats and banana pancakes. Easy, soft and fluffy for a perfect healthy and nourishing breakfast.
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 ripe banana
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
- 1/2 cup oat flour
- 1/4 cup brown rice flour
- 1/4 cup corn starch
- 1 tbsp ground flax seed
- 1 tsp baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- Oil for cooking
- Add the almond milk and apple cider vinegar to a mixing bowl. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes to thicken.
- Mash the banana using a fork and add to the almond milk with the vanilla extract.
- In a separate large bowl, mix the oat flour, brown rice flour, corn starch, ground flax seed, baking powder and salt.
- Pour the wet mixture over the dry ingredients and gently stir to combine. The preparation should be smooth and thick but pourable. If too fluid, add a little more oat flour. If too thick, add a little more almond milk.
- Heat a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat with oil.
- Once hot, scoop up about 1/4 cup of the batter onto skillet. Cook for about 2 minutes, until bubbles form on the surface of the pancakes and the edges look dry. Then flip the pancakes and cook for 2 minutes on the other face, until browned. Adjust the heat along the cooking : you will likely need to reduce the heat to medium-low once hot as to not burn the pancakes.
- Serve immediately with fresh fruits, coconut yogurt, maple syrup and caramel sauce. Store any cooled leftovers in a container. The pancakes will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
- You can make your own oat flour by grinding rolled oats in a high speed blender. Make sure you are using certified gluten free oats.
- Make your own flax meal by grinding flax seeds in a high speed blender. You can use either brown or golden flax seeds.
- For a much sweeter version, add 1 tablespoon of maple syrup to the batter.
Recette version Française
Pancakes faciles à la banane (sans gluten et sans sucre)
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 10 minutes
- Total Time: 20 minutes
- Yield: 10 petits pancakes 1x
- Category: Petit-déjeuner, snack
Pancakes à la banane, vegan, sans gluten et sans sucres ajoutés. Prêts en seulement 20 minutes, moelleux et légers : parfaits pour un petit-déjeuner sain et nourrissant.
- 240 ml de lait d’amande
- 1 c. à c. de vinaigre de cidre
- 1/2 banane bien mure
- 1 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- 55 g de farine de flocons d’avoine (voir notes)
- 30 g de farine de riz brun / complet
- 40 g de fécule de mais
- 1 c. à s. de graines de lin moulues (voir notes)
- 1 c. à c. de levure chimique
- une pincée de sel
- De l’huile pour la cuisson
- Verser le lait d’amande dans un bol et ajouter le vinaigre de cidre. Mélanger et laisser reposer pendant 5 minutes afin que le mélange épaississe légèrement.
- A l’aide d’une fourchette, écraser la banane jusqu’à la réduire en purée. Ajouter la purée de banane et l’extrait de vanille dans le lait d’amande et bien mélanger.
- Dans un grand saladier, mélanger la farine de flocons d’avoine, la farine de riz brun, la fécule de mais, le lin moulu, la levure chimique et le sel.
- Verser la préparation liquide dans le saladier d’ingrédients secs et mélanger délicatement jusqu’à obtenir un mélange bien homogène. La pâte doit être lisse et épaisse mais doit pouvoir se verser facilement. Si la préparation est trop liquide, ajouter un peu de farine. Si elle est trop épaisse, ajouter un peu de lait d’amande.
- Faire chauffer une grande poêle anti-adhésive huilée a feu vif.
- Une fois chaude, verser une louche de pâte. Laisser cuire pendant environ 2 minutes jusqu’à ce que des bulles se forment à la surface du pancake et que les bords paraissent secs. Puis retourner le pancake et laisser cuire 2 minutes sur l’autre face. Si besoin réduire à feu moyen en cours de cuisson pour éviter de bruler les pancakes.
- Servir immédiatement avec des fruits frais, du yaourt de coco, du sirop d’érable et de la sauce caramel. Les pancakes se conservent jusqu’à 3 jours dans une boite hermétique au réfrigérateur.
- Vous pouvez réaliser vous-même la farine de flocons d’avoine en mixant simplement des flocons d’avoine à l’aide d’un blender. Assurez-vous d’utiliser des flocons d’avoine certifiés sans gluten.
- Pour les graines de lin moulues, mixer simplement des graines de lin dans un blender jusqu’à obtenir une poudre. Vous pouvez utilisez des graines de lin brunes ou dorées.
- Pour une version légèrement sucrée, ajouter une cuillère à soupe de sirop d’érable au mélange.
I will definitely try these 😍
Thank you. I’m sure you’ll love it! 🙂
Hi, just wondering if I can change the oat flour to coconut flour if that is what I have at home and want more coconut flavor to the pancakes?
Hi Maria!
Unfortunately no, coconut flour is a specific flour that can’t substitute on a 1:1 ratio. Changing oat flour for coconut flour in this recipe would result in very dry and dense pancakes (rather than light and fluffy). I recommend to substitute either for all purpose flour, a GF baking flour mix or buckwheat flour if you have. If you want an extra coconut flavor in your pancakes, I suggest to garnish with coconut whipped cream or top with coconut chips 😉