This cashew and buckwheat porridge is a delicious and super creamy alternative to your regular oatmeals for breakfast. It is satisfying, very easy to make with only a few simple ingredients and ready in less than 10 minutes. It’s gluten-free, naturally sweetened by banana and dates, and packed with good nutrients from soaked nuts and grains. Serve with warm cinnamon baked fruits, granola and a drizzle of nut butter for the perfect comforting breakfast.

A healthy and nutritious breakfast
Buckwheat porridge is an amazing alternative to regular oat porridges, for everybody who wants something nourishing, quick and warming for breakfast. Creamy cashew and buckwheat porridge is naturally gluten-free, refined sugar free and packed with nutrients that help you stay healthy and energized all the morning.
What is buckwheat ? Is buckwheat porridge gluten-free?
Despite the “wheat” in its name, buckwheat is not derived from wheat at all. Actually, buckwheat is not a cereal but a fruit seed, which makes it naturally gluten-free and very digestible, especially when soaked before using, as we’re doing for this recipe.
For these reasons, buckwheat in all its forms (groats, flakes or flour) is safe to eat when you are on a gluten-free diet, in theory. I say “in theory” because buckwheat, just like oats, can be affected by cross-contamination that can happen when it’s processed and stored in the same facility as grains containing gluten. That’s why you should always check that the groats you buy are labeled “gluten-free” if you’re gluten allergic or have celiac disease.
Buckwheat is usually consumed as a grain, just like quinoa, millet or amaranth. You can sprinkle raw buckwheat groats on your salads and smoothies for extra crunchiness, but it’s better soaked and cooked like in this buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat has a nutty and hearty flavor.

Health benefits of buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat is an incredibly nutritious seed, to such an extend that some people consider it as a superfood. Buckwheat contains a variety of healthful nutrients. It is a good source of magnesium, protein, fiber, and healthful complex carbohydrates.
Especially, buckwheat is what we call a “complete protein”. That means it contains all of the essential amino acids that your body cannot produce. So buckwheat is a very interesting food to introduce in your diet to increase your protein intakes.

Why to soak grains, nuts and seeds?
The first step of this recipe asks for soaking the buckwheat groats and the cashews. While this is optional, I can only encourage you to do it! Let me explain you why.
- Most of the nuts, seeds and grains are naturally coated with organic substances called enzyme inhibitors. As their name suggests, the role of the enzyme inhibitors is to inhibits nutrient absorption so as to protect the nut/seed/grain during the early stages of its development. Soaking nuts/seeds/grains in water before consuming removed the enzyme inhibitors around it and increase the nutrient availability. That way, your body can benefit all the advantages and good nutrients from these amazing foods.
- Some nuts like almonds have a tough, hard texture that can make them difficult to digest. Soaking nuts/seeds/grains helps to soften them, making them easier for your body to break down and digest, which can also increase the absorption of nutrients.
- Soaking also affects the global texture and taste. When soaked, nuts/seeds/grains become softer and easier to blend to create a perfect smooth, creamy and buttery texture.
- Last but not least, nuts/seeds/grains are often go through transportation and storage. Soaking them before consuming helps to thoroughly clean them.

How to soak nuts and grains?
Soaking nuts and grains takes a little time but is very simple. Soaking time can vary depending on the type of nuts/seeds/grains, but basically it takes something between 6 and 12 hours. My favorite option is to soak them overnight so that they’re ready on the morning.
- Place your nuts/seeds/grains in a bowl and add enough water to fully cover them. Make sure to use a large bowl and add enough water as they will absorb some of the liquid and puff up.
- Cover the bowl and let it sit on your countertop overnight, or for 8–12 hours.
- Next morning, drain the water and rinse thoroughly until the water is perfectly clear.
- Your soaked nuts/seeds/grains are ready to enjoy or you can also keep them in an airtight container in fridge, which will make them last for about a week.

How to enjoy buckwheat porridge
This creamy buckwheat porridge is a perfect base for your breakfast bowls. It is nutritious, satisfying, packed with good nutrients and absolutely delicious. It’s an amazing alternative to your regular oatmeals and can be enjoyed basically the same way.
As it is already flavored with orange blossom, cinnamon and vanilla, I love to keep it simple and serve this buckwheat porridge with baked or fresh seasonal fruits, a scoop of plant-based yogurt, a handful of granola for the crunchiness and nut butter – well, because it’s so good! But any of your favorite toppings will work with this very versatile recipe: homemade fruit compote, jam, coconut chips, dry fruits, cacao nibs … everything is possible.
To season this basic buckwheat porridge, I’ve chosen subtle and warm flavors of orange, cinnamon and vanilla. But if you’re not a big fan of these or just want something different, don’t hesitate to experiment with other flavors. Just like an oat porridge, the possibilities are endless. For the chocolate lovers, add a tablespoon of cocoa powder! The result is divine. For something fresh and light, mix some fresh fruit puree in to your porridge, like strawberry, mango or blueberry. It adds a delicious fruity taste and natural sweetness.

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I love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me @alicepages on your photos on Instagram and give your feedback in the comments below if you make this recipe at home! Your opinion is my best reward.
Creamy Buckwheat Porridge
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 5 minutes
- Total Time: 15 minutes
- Yield: 2 servings 1x
- Category: breakfast
- Method: Blender
- Cuisine: Vegan
- Diet: Gluten Free
Easy super creamy buckwheat porridge is a healthy and nourishing breakfast made with a few simple ingredients and ready in 10 minutes. It’s gluten-free, added sugar free and packed with nutrients. A good alternative to regular oatmeals.
Buckwheat porridge
- 3/4 cup raw buckwheat groats
- 1/3 cup raw cashews
- 1/2 banana
- 3 tbsp coconut cream or milk
- 1 pitted date, to sweetened (add more if you prefer)
- 1 tsp orange blossom water
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 pinch of sea salt
Baked fruits
- 1 small apple
- 1 small pear
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Soak the dry buckwheat groats and cashews in double volume of water for at least 6 hours or overnight at room temperature. Soaking increases the availability of nutrients, soften the groats and nuts and makes them easier to digest.
- Rinse well the buckwheat groats and cashews under running water until the water is clear and drain.
- Peel and chop the banana, pit and roughly chop the date.
- Add all the ingredients in a food processor or a high speed blender and blend until perfectly smooth, thick and creamy. If you prefer a runnier porridge, add a little more coconut milk and blend until you get the desired consistency. Set aside.
- Prepare the roasted fruits. Wash, core and cut the fruits into medium dices. Heat the coconut oil in a nonstick skillet and add the fruits, maple syrup and cinnamon. Stir to coat and cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes until the fruits are beautiful golden and soft. Add the vanilla extract and remove from heat.
- Serve the porridge in bowls with the roasted fruits, a handful of granola, fresh berries, nut butter or any of your favorite toppings.
- You can use maple syrup or agave instead of dates to sweetened your porridge.
- Store leftovers in a sealed airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Recette version française
Porridge de sarrasin crémeux
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 5 minutes
- Total Time: 15 minutes
- Yield: 2 bols 1x
- Category: petit-déjeuner
- Method: Mixeur
- Cuisine: Vegan
- Diet: Gluten Free
Ce porridge de sarrasin ultra crémeux est parfait pour un petit-déjeuner gourmand, sain et nourrissant, prêt en seulement 10 minutes. Il est naturellement sans gluten, sans sucre ajouté, et sera une bonne alternative au porridge de flocons d’avoine.
Porridge de sarrasin
- 120 g de sarrasin décortiqué en grains
- 40 g de noix de cajou
- 1/2 banane
- 55 g de crème ou de lait de coco
- 1 datte moelleuse dénoyautée
- 1 c. à c. d’eau de fleur d’oranger
- 1/2 c. à c. de vanille
- 1/2 c. à c. de cannelle
- 1 pincée de fleur de sel
Fruits rôtis
- 1 petite pomme
- 1 petite poire
- 1 c. à s. d’huile de coco
- 1 c. à s. de sirop d’érable
- 1 c. à c. de cannelle
- 1 c. à c. de vanille
- Placer le sarrasin décortiqué et les noix de cajou dans un grand saladier rempli d’eau et laisser tremper pendant au moins 6 heures ou toute une nuit à température ambiante. Cette étape permet de libérer les nutriments contenus dans le sarrasin et les noix, de les attendrir et les rendre plus digestes.
- Egoutter et rincer abondamment sous l’eau.
- Eplucher et couper la banane en morceaux. Dénoyauter et hacher la datte.
- Placer tous les ingrédients dans un mixeur ou un blender et mixer jusqu’à obtenir une crème lisse et onctueuse. Pour un porridge plus fluide, ajouter un peu de lait de coco et mixer. Réserver.
- Laver, évider et couper les fruits en cubes. Faites chauffer l’huile de coco dans une poêle, puis ajouter les cubes de fruits, le sirop d’érable et la cannelle. Mélanger pour les enrober et laisser cuire 5 minutes à feu moyen jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient bien tendres et dorés. Ajouter la vanille en fin de cuisson.
- Servir le porridge dans des bols accompagné des fruits rôtis, de granola, de fruits de saison, de beurre de noix, ou vos toppings préférés!
- Vous pouvez remplacer la datte par du sirop d’érable ou d’agave pour sucrer le porridge.
- Le porridge se conserve jusqu’à 3 jours dans un récipient hermétique au réfrigérateur.
If I leave out the sweet ingredients from the porridge do you think it would be good heated and used in a manner similar to polenta or grits?
Dear Laura,
Yes definitely it could be very interesting in a savory version! But more like a cream / condiment, cause it’s pretty nourishing.
Let me know how it turns 😉