These oven roasted stone fruits with creamy buckwheat and cashew mascarpone and crunchy toasted mix are the perfect easy and healthy dessert or breakfast. They are baked in a low sugar rosemary infused syrup for the right amount of sweetness and softness. The thick cream is made of buckwheat and cashews and is a great plant based alternative to mascarpone or sour cream. It will become a staple in your kitchen.

How to perfectly roast fruits
Sometimes simple thongs are the best. And roasted stone fruits is one of my favorite thing. It’s crazy how simply roasting fruits in oven can enhance their flavors, change their texture, and create a whole new experience.
Roasting fruits helps to liberate their flavoring and sugar. Resulting in soft, warm and sweet fruits. They are perfect for an easy and quick dessert, paired with ice-cream and biscuits. I also love to have them for breakfast, as a topping on my porridges, with a scoop of coconut yogurt and granola for the crunchiness.
You can basically roast any fruits, but roasted stone fruits give the best results. Fruits like peaches, apricots and plums are naturally sweet and juicy, but firm enough to keep their shape when baked. However, you can apply the same process to any other fruits. Apples, pears, pineapples, oranges and figs work very well too.

Roasting fruits in oven is the easiest thing ever. All you need is fresh fruits and a syrup. Even the syrup could be optional, but I found the best results with it.
For roasted stone fruits, start by washing all the fruits, halve them and remove the pits. No need to peel them, but ideally try to use organic fruits. For the purpose of this recipe, I like not to cut more the fruits. Eventually, you can cut the pear in quarters to ensure a better cooking. Place the halved fruits into a deep oven-proof dish. It should be just just the right size to contain all the fruits in a single layer, and not too large to ensure the syrup to coat the fruits.

The second step is to prepare a simple syrup made of water, sugar and spices. The syrup is a key element that will bring moisture during cooking and avoid the fruits to burn and dry. To do so, simply mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring on medium heat. Mix until the sugar is dissolved and all the flavors infused. Make sure you’re using good quality sugar, like coconut, palm sugar, or brown sugar. I love to add fresh herbs like rosemary or thym to add a subtle flavor.
Once the syrup is ready, pour it over the fruits to coat them all. If necessary, baste several times to make sure all the fruits are covered. Place in the oven for a total 30 minutes, or until the fruits are soft -check with a knife, and beautifully golden. Watch the fruits during baking. Don’t hesitate to baste them with the syrup on the bottom as many times as necessary to bring moisture and avoid them to dry.

How to toast nuts and seeds
Toasted nuts and seeds is a very simple element that can make all the difference. Have you ever sprinkled some toasted sunflower seeds on top of a simple green salad and see how it elevated the whole dish? Well, this is the magic of toasted nuts and seeds. They bring spirit to a dish, delicious flavors and additional crunchy texture. In this dish, the toasted nuts and seeds come to perfectly balance the softness of the baked fruits and the creaminess of the mascarpone.

Just like roasting fruits, toasting nuts and seeds enhances their flavors and give them a crunchy texture. The heat also helps to release the fats naturally contained in the nuts. This step can be very helpful if you want to make nut butter at home. It makes the process much easier and you won’t have to add oil.
There are different methods to toast nuts. The most common ones are Tove-top and oven. The first one is very handy as you don’t need to turn on the oven and it’s done in 2 minutes. However it doesn’t ensure a uniform cooking. The parts of the nuts touching the skillet may become darkest and can burn quickly, unlike the oven method where they become more of an overall golden color.
To oven toast nuts and seeds, preheat your oven to 340 degrees F. They are very sensitive and can burn very fast, that’s why we are using low heat. Spread the nuts and seeds on a lined baking tray in an even layer, don’t overlap them. Bake for 5 to 10 minutes until they are golden brown, more golden than brown to avoid to burn. Once they’re toasted, remove from the oven and remove from the baking tray to avoid to completely cool down. The nuts will dry and harden when cooling and become extra crunchy.
Store any extra toasted nuts or seeds in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks

Why this buckwheat mascarpone will become a staple in your kitchen
My favorite part of this recipe is buckwheat mascarpone. Buckwheat is not a common ingredient in our kitchen. We know about buckwheat flour, gluten-free buckwheat bread, eventually buckwheat noodles. But buckwheat groats are not often used although it is an amazing product!
Buckwheat groats are small hard kernels from the buckwheat plant. They can be consumed as it or used in different preparations. I love to sprinkle raw buckwheat groats on top of my smoothies and salad to add crunchiness, or to cook them into my porridge and granola. When cooked, buckwheat groats become very soft.
For more inspiration on how to use buckwheat, check out these recipes :
- Matcha Pancakes, using buckwheat flour
- Chocolate Carob loaf, made of buckwheat flour for a GF version
- Roasted buckwheat and squash raw bars
- Butternut squash soup, with toasted buckwheat topping
But my favorite is buckwheat cream. This recipe is so simple and the result is amazing. When most plant based cream require only for cashews, I found that replacing half of the cashews by buckwheat groats makes the cream thicker, with a little grainy texture and nice flavor. Also buckwheat is less expensive than cashew, double benefit.

To make buckwheat cashew mascarpone, you will have to soak the buckwheat groats and whole cashews in water for a minimum 6-8 hours, or overnight. Soaking softens the nuts and makes them very creamy when mixed. To soak the buckwheat groats and cashews, place them in a large bowl and completely cover with water. Cover and let stand at room temperature. Before using, drain and rinse them several times, until the water is perfectly clear.
After that, the buckwheat groats and cashews are ready to be used. Add them in the bowl of a high speed blender with a little almond milk, natural sweetener like maple syrup, coconut syrup or agave, spices, and mix a few minutes until perfectly creamy. You should obtain a thick and buttery mixture. If you want a runnier cream, add more almond milk.

This mascarpone is a great additional to many sweet dishes, like roasted fruits, crumbles, pies, granolas. However, you can also make a savory version removing the sweetener and adding a splash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. This would make a perfect addition to your salads, soups, risottos, roasted vegetables or pizza.

Want more stone fruits and toasted nuts recipes? Check out the following ones
- Apricot melon and rosemary panna cotta
- Pistachio and apricot chickpea blondies GF
- Toasted buckwheat and squash raw bars
- Sugar free frangipane porridge
- Streusel cranberry and walnut muffins
I love to see your creations! Don’t forget to tag me @alicepages on your photos on Instagram and give your feedback in the comments below if you make this recipe at home! Your opinion is my best reward.
Roasted stone fruits, buckwheat mascarpone and toasted nuts
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 45 minutes
- Yield: 4 servings 1x
- Category: dessert, breakfast, snack
These roasted fruits with a thick and creamy buckwheat cashew mascarpone and crunchy nuts are perfect for a healthy dessert or breakfast. They are vegan, gluten free and very low in sugar.
Roasted stone fruits
- 2 apricots
- 3 plums
- 1 pear
- 1 peach
- 1/2 cup of water
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar or brown sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
Toasted nuts
- 1/4 cup raw almonds
- 2 tbsp pine nuts
- 2 tbsp buckwheat groats
Buckwheat mascarpone
- 1/3 cup of buckwheat groats, soaked for 8 hours
- 1/2 cup of cashews, soaked for 8 hours
- 1 tbsp almond milk
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp ground cardamome
- a pinch of sea salt
Roasted stone fruits
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
- Wash, halve and stone all the fruits, and place them in a baking dish.
- Add the water, sugar, lemon juice, vanilla, cinnamon and the whole rosemary sprig to a sauce pan and heat over medium heat. Stir to dissolve and combine all the ingredients. Simmer for 5 minutes to infuse the rosemary.
- Pour the syrup all over the fruits to cover them completely. Bake for 30 minutes until the fruits are soft and beautifully golden. If the fruits start to burn or to dry during the cook time, remove from the oven and baste with the syrup as many times as necessary. Remove from the oven and set aside.
Toasted nuts
- Reduce the oven to 340 degrees F and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
- Spread the whole almonds, pine nuts and buckwheat groats in an even layer and bake for 5 minutes. Then shake to ensure an even cooking and bake for an additional 5 minutes until toasted. Keep watching during the last minutes as the nuts can quickly burn. Remove from the oven and allow to completely cool down.
Buckwheat mascarpone
- Rinse and drain the soaked buckwheat and cashews.
- Place all the ingredients in a high speed blender and mix until perfectly smooth and creamy. Taste and adjust the seasoning and sweetness.
- Transfer to a glass jar and store in fridge.
- Serve the roasted fruits with a spoonful of mascarpone and toasted nuts on top.
- You can use any fruits of your choice, depending on the season. Try with apple, berries, mango, pineapples, orange or figs. They make a perfect easy and healthy dessert.
- If you are short on time, you can soak the buckwheat and cashews in very hot water for 30 minutes to soften rather than 8 hours.
Recette version française
Fruits rôtis de saison, mascarpone de sarrasin et graines toastées
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 45 minutes
- Yield: 4 personnes 1x
- Category: dessert, petit-déjeuner, snack
Ces fruits rôtis de saison servis avec une crème mascarpone sarrasin cajou et un mélange de graines toastées croustillant sont parfaits pour un dessert sain et rapide à préparer.
Fruits rôtis
- 2 abricots
- 3 prunes
- 1 poire
- 1 pêche
- 100 ml d’eau
- 25 g de sucre de coco ou sucre brun
- 1 c. à s. de jus de citron
- 1 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- 1 c. à c. de cannelle
- 1 brin de romarin frais
Mélange toasté
- 30 g d’amandes entières
- 20 g de pignons de pin
- 15 g de sarrasin
Mascarpone de sarrasin
- 60 g de gruaux de sarrasin, trempés pendant 8 heures
- 80 g de noix de cajou, trempées pendant 8 heures
- 1 c. à s. de lait d’amande
- 1 c. à c. de sirop d’érable
- 1 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- 1/4 c. à c. de cardamome en poudre
- Une pincée de sel
Fruits rôtis
- Préchauffer le four à 200°C.
- Laver les fruits puis les couper en deux et retirer les noyaux. Disposer les fruits coupés dans un plat allant au four.
- Verser l’eau, le sucre, le jus de citron, la vanille, la cannelle et le brun de romarin dans une casserole et faire chauffer à feu moyen. Remuer pour dissoudre et bien mélanger tous les ingrédients. Laisser frémir pendant 5 minutes afin de faire infuser le romarin.
- Verser le sirop au dessus des fruits afin de les recouvrir complètement. Enfourner pour 30 minutes, jusqu’à ce que les fruits soient bien tendres et dorés. En milieu de cuisson, sortir le plat du four et arroser abondamment les fruits avec le sirop accumulé au fond du plat pour éviter qu’ils ne sèchent. Retirer du four et réserver.
Mélange toasté
- Réduire la température du four à 170°C et chemiser une plaque de papier cuisson.
- Disposer les amandes, les pignons de pin et le sarrasin bien à plat sur la plaque et enfourner pour 5 minutes. Puis remuer rapidement pour uniformiser la cuisson et enfourner pour 5 minutes supplémentaires ou jusqu’à ce que le ménage soit bien doré. Attention à rester bien vigilant pendant les dernières minutes, les graines peuvent bruler très rapidement. Retirer du four et laisser complètement refroidir.
Mascarpone de sarrasin
- Rincer et égoutter le sarrasin et les noix de cajou préalablement trempés.
- Mettre tous les ingrédients dans le bol d’un blender et mixer jusqu’à obtenir une crème parfaitement lisse et onctueuse. Gouter et corriger l’assaisonnement et le sucre.
- Placer la crème dans un bocal en verre et conserver au réfrigérateur.
- Servir les fruits rôtis avec une cuillère généreuse de mascarpone et le mélange de graines toastées.
- Vous pouvez remplacer les fruits à noyaux par n’importe quels autres fruits selon les saison : pomme, fruits rouges, mangue, ananas, oranges ou figues.
- Si vous manquez de temps, vous pouvez faire tremper les noix de cajou 30 minutes dans de l’eau très chaude.