When you put all the best flavors together, you obtain the perfect recipe. This sugar free coconut and vanilla granola is so simple and delicious it will quickly become a staple of your breakfasts. It’s gluten free, packed with fibers and naturally sweetened with banana for a nourishing and healthy breakfast.

Why making your own granola will change your life
Granola is a staple in my kitchen. It’s something I love to prepare every week for my meal prep, to make sure I always have something on hand for breakfast or snack. I use it everywhere, in my breakfast bowls with fresh fruits, on top of my smoothie bowls or just with a spoon of coconut yogurt for a delicious snack.
For a long time, I used to buy my granola in grocery stores until I started to watch for the products I was consuming daily, especially for sugar. When you look at the composition of industrial granolas, you can be chocked to see how much sugar they put in! And this is absolutely absurd when you know granola is mostly consumed for breakfast, when you need to give your body all the nutrients and energy it needs to function through the day. Not to mention that granolas and cereals are also highly intended for children.
Fortunately, there are more and more brands that are conscious about this and develop healthier products, with whole ingredients and less refined sugars. Unrefined sugars like maple syrup, agave or coconut sugar are good alternatives, but don’t be fooled, they still are sugar.
So the best solution remains to make your own granola. That way, you really control what you’re putting inside and make the granola that best suits your needs. You can make it gluten free, sugar free, oil free, with an extra protein or fibers.

Why this granola is the best healthy breakfast
This sugar free coconut and vanilla granola is one of my favorite recipe, because it is really delicious but also super healthy! So what makes this granola a healthy option for breakfast :
- First, this granola is completely free of either refined and non-refined sugars. Nothing! And I’m sure you would not even notice it. It is naturally sweetened with banana. Using very ripe banana is very important in this recipe to add both a sweet touch and texture to the granola. Banana acts as a binding component to make the granola hold together.
- Then, it is packed with fibers and proteins thanks to the rolled oats and puffed quinoa. Using whole ingredients, especially whole grains and nuts is so important to keep all the nutrients and benefits from the food. They will provide all the energy your body needs and keep you full for hours, without any mid-morning cravings.
- It’s low in fat. With only three tablespoons of coconut oil, this granola is way lower in fat than any cereals you can find in supermarkets! For a oil free version, you can also sub coconut oil for nut butter, like almond, peanut or cashew.

How to make your own granola
Making your own granola is seriously very easy. To be honest, I already spend a lot of time cooking all along the week, that the last thing I want to do is to spend more hours in the kitchen during the weekend. So trust me when I say that this is super quick and simple.
Preparing this sugar free coconut and vanilla granola only takes 5 minutes to put together. Then all you have to do is putting in the oven, enjoying that amazing roasted coconut and vanilla smell and breakfast is served!
Now there are a couple of tips and steps to follow to get the perfect granola :
- First thing, I always start by mixing separately all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, and all the wet ingredients in a medium bowl. This way, you can make sure you have not forgotten anything and all the ingredients are well combined.
- When you prepare the wet mixture, make sure the banana is well mashed. It’s okay if the mixture is not perfectly smooth, but it’s the banana which will act as the binding element, so you want it to well covered the dry ingredients.
- The way you spread the granola on the baking tray is super important and will shape your granola. For a crunchy granola with big chunks, I recommend to loosely crumble the granola with your hands on the baking tray. Don’t over pack it, this is where you are forming the chunks.
- When it comes down to bake the granola, the best way is to use a low-medium heat for a longer time. This way you’re sure the granola won’t burn but will dry and become beautifully golden. Turn the granola halfway, and be careful during the last minutes of baking. Don’t hesitate to adapt the time which can vary depending on your oven.
- Once baked, remove the granola from the oven and allow to completely cool flat on the baking tray. While cooling down, the granola will continue to dry and become crunchy.
- Store your granola in an airtight container or glass jar and keep in a dry place for up to 1 week. But I’m pretty sure you’ll have eaten everything before!

Want more granola inspiration? Make sure you’ve checked the following recipes
- The best traditional granola ever
- Golden turmeric and spices granola
- Sugar free granola cereals
- Savory fennel granola

Sugar free Coconut Vanilla Granola
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 35 minutes
- Yield: 4 servings 1x
- Category: breakfast
A simple but delicious granola recipe flavored with coconut and vanilla. Packed with fibers and completely sugar free to keep you full and energized.
- 3/4 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 1/2 cup puffed quinoa (can sub rice, amaranth)
- 2 tbsp coconut flour (can sub almond meal)
- 1/2 cup silvered almonds
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- a pinch of salt
- 1 very ripe banana
- 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- Preheat the oven to 330F and line a baking tray with baking paper.
- In a large bowl mix together the rolled oats, shredded coconut, puffed quinoa, coconut flour, silvered almonds, cinnamon and salt.
- In a small bowl, mash the ripe banana using a fork until puréed. Add the melted coconut oil and vanilla extract and stir well to combine.
- Pour the banana mixture into the dry ingredients and stir using a spatula to spread the mixture. You can also use your hands to massage and make sure all the dry ingredients are well coated.
- Using your hands, spread the granola loosely onto the baking tray, trying to form big chunks.
- Bake for 20 minutes. Then remove from the oven and shake gently not to break the chunks. Return to the oven for 10 minutes more until the granola is golden brown.
- Remove from oven and allow to completely cool down.
- Store in an airtight jar or container.
- For an extra sweetness, you can add 1 tablespoon of maple syrup to the banana mixture.
- You can sub coconut oil for any neutral flavored oil or nut butter.
- You can add in any other mixings of your choice. Chocolate chips, cranberries, cashew, sunflower seeds, dry pineapple or papaya are all great choices.
Recette version française
Granola sans sucre Coco Vanille
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Cook Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 35 minutes
- Yield: 4 portions 1x
- Category: petit-déjeuner
Une recette toute simple mais délicieuse de granola à la noix de coco et à la vanille. Riche en fibres et sans sucres ajourée, il vous apportera de l’énergie tout au long de la matinée.
- 70 g de flocons d’avoine
- 35 g de noix de coco râpée
- 10 g de quinoa soufflé (ou de riz, amarante soufflé)
- 20 g de farine de coco (ou de poudre d’amande)
- 60 g d’amandes effilées
- 1 c. à c. de cannelle en poudre
- une pincée de sel
- 1 banane bien mure
- 45 g d’huile de coco fondue
- 2 c. à c. d’extrait de vanille
- Préchauffer le four à 165°C et chemiser une plaque de cuisson de papier sulfurisé.
- Dans un grand saladier, mélanger les flocon d’avoine, la noix de coco râpée, le quinoa soufflé, la farine de coco, les amande effilées, la cannelle et le sel.
- Dans un petit bol, écraser la banane à l’aide d’une fourchette jusqu’à obtenir une purée. Ajouter l’huile de coco fondue et l’extrait de vanille et mélanger.
- Verser la purée de banane dans le saladier d’ingrédients secs et mélanger à l’aide d’une spatule ou des mains pour bien répartir la mixture et s’assurer que les ingrédients secs sont bien enrobés.
- Déposer le granola en une couche sur la plaque de cuisson, sans tasser et en formant de grosses pépites.
- Enfourner pour 20 minutes. Puis sortir le granola du four et le retourner délicatement. Enfourner pour 10 minutes supplémentaires jusqu’à ce que le granola soit bien doré.
- Retirer la plaque du four et laisser refroidir complètement.
- Conserver le granola dans un récipient hermétique.
- Pour un granola plus sucré, ajouter 1 cuillère à soupe de sirop d’érable à la purée de banane.
- Vous pouvez remplacer l’huile de coco par n’importe quelle huile neutre ou par du beurre d’oléagineux (amande, cacahuète, cajou …).
- N’hésitez pas à personnaliser votre granola avec les éléments de votre choix! Des cranberries, des pépites de chocolats, des noix de cajou, des graines de tournesol ou encore des dés de papaye et ananas confits s’accorderont à merveille.